
619 lines
519 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-03-25 08:35:09 +01:00
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d="m -928.53906,542.39453 c -47.34889,0.35152 -94.88154,1.4093 -142.37694,3.1875 -302.3697,11.32056 -572.3077,51.30833 -790.5078,105.72852 -109.1693,27.22734 -205.1323,57.8493 -282.1602,92.83593 -77.0278,34.98664 -137.3496,71.61171 -171.0312,129.72852 -21.0071,36.24723 -25.4315,82.97291 -10.4707,121.39258 14.9607,38.41962 43.4988,68.00252 79.1035,93.95122 71.2093,51.8972 176.223,92.3706 314.1054,126.8476 275.7853,68.9591 654.8912,101.9025 1034.00005,88.1348 271.35428,-9.8545 516.10533,-43.2391 720.96289,-89.293 6.47176,0.725 12.66186,1.5719 19.1914,2.2715 231.580876,24.8122 495.43628,29.9074 731.62696,8.2871 236.19068,-21.6203 443.6144,-65.6926 572.0078,-160.0469 l 48.1074,-35.3515 -70.705,-96.21488 -48.1075,35.35351 c -89.89872,66.06517 -285.80422,116.63507 -512.18552,137.35747 -128.85285,11.7948 -267.92766,15.2766 -405.09765,11.6894 20.4698,-7.5838 40.21473,-15.2405 58.76172,-22.998 87.72694,-36.693 153.2254,-72.1772 195.50586,-120.81449 21.14023,-24.31864 38.16147,-56.42838 35.19336,-93.47852 C 444.41665,843.91276 420.9854,813.08054 393.3125,792.59766 337.96671,751.63188 257.07793,729.83605 133.33594,711.77734 92.856203,705.8698 50.924787,701.73864 8.4589844,698.90039 L 21.441406,648.82422 -36.347656,633.84375 C -274.61942,572.07368 -597.09686,539.93392 -928.53906,542.39453 Z m 0.91015,119.45508 c 221.1774,-1.48073 438.43941,13.16446 624.99414,40.95117 -134.76889,12.15328 -254.27708,35.88752 -337.7832,75.80469 -85.05267,40.65645 -142.9524,80.65767 -156.9043,149.29101 -6.97594,34.31668 4.27626,70.61074 23.17579,96.15042 18.89952,25.5396 43.81394,44.1641 72.84765,60.8633 47.20694,27.1517 107.76769,49.919 178.36524,69.125 -118.465,15.1818 -245.47727,25.9867 -379.27539,30.8457 -369.18652,13.4074 -741.45172,-19.8231 -1000.70512,-84.6485 -129.6176,-32.4104 -224.4923,-72.3399 -272.7441,-107.50584 -24.1259,-17.58294 -35.2118,-33.19658 -38.166,-40.7832 -2.9543,-7.58663 -3.5838,-7.67632 2.5137,-18.19727 9.6128,-16.58666 50.4022,-50.59243 117.1035,-80.88867 66.7013,-30.29623 157.0849,-59.60984 261.6758,-85.69531 209.0591,-52.14039 471.5842,-91.23783 766.082,-102.26367 46.2676,-1.73223 92.62419,-2.73956 138.82029,-3.04883 z m 794.54688,152.19727 c 85.168495,-0.54851 171.118787,4.48739 249.17578,15.8789 115.31793,16.82931 185.26855,43.16171 206.18359,58.64258 2.55296,1.88964 2.38155,1.90035 3.47852,2.85547 -0.92709,1.29225 -1.94335,2.69069 -3.67578,4.68359 -16.98099,19.53406 -71.68682,55.62702 -151.4668,88.9961 -79.779974,33.36908 -184.773371,67.00678 -306.83984,97.52348 -15.52234,3.8805 -31.43223,7.6649 -47.53516,11.3964 -206.99763,-25.015 -382.45203,-69.1583 -458.00781,-112.6152 -20.05815,-11.53671 -32.21478,-22.73318 -36.39844,-28.38672 -1.337,-1.80673 -1.3369,-1.62445 -1.66015,-1.92382 0.95364,-0.77191 21.06022,-31.38107 90.90429,-64.76758 59.32887,-28.36008 175.4824,-54.26991 305.25586,-65.42969 48.66505,-4.18492 99.48484,-6.52441 150.58594,-6.85351 z"
inkscape:connector-curvature="0" />
d="m 120.77136,273.06779 c -0.29268,10e-4 -0.58798,0.0842 -0.75156,0.30829 -0.0585,0.0797 -0.10002,0.17715 -0.11849,0.29513 -0.0169,0.10356 -0.0154,0.20484 0.0154,0.31188 0.0154,0.0535 0.0323,0.10833 0.0646,0.17544 0.0323,0.0671 0.0846,0.1548 0.15788,0.24791 0.0585,0.074 0.12003,0.13695 0.17173,0.18296 -0.08,0.0471 -0.15911,0.1011 -0.23528,0.16195 -0.08,0.064 -0.15619,0.1365 -0.22343,0.21786 -0.12619,0.1525 -0.21883,0.33621 -0.24176,0.55264 h -0.16434 v -0.79758 l -0.36731,-0.32015 v 1.11773 h -0.62692 l 0.32408,0.36284 h 0.30284 v 1.30779 a 0.25043482,0.06260365 44.607605 0 0 0.34561,0.34146 l 1.00885,5e-5 -0.32392,-0.36283 h -0.66323 v -1.28647 h 0.19081 c 0.0154,0.0505 0.0308,0.10233 0.0539,0.15699 0.0308,0.0725 0.0739,0.15391 0.13541,0.24684 0.0631,0.0929 0.14465,0.19237 0.21667,0.26649 0.14464,0.14819 0.25483,0.2165 0.36608,0.27002 0.1108,0.0535 0.22297,0.0846 0.33654,0.0969 0.43456,0.0472 0.83911,-0.14789 1.1221,-0.50357 l 0.0154,0.10556 0.32869,0.34413 -0.0154,-0.10633 c -0.0277,-0.28788 -0.0431,-0.5777 -0.0447,-0.86786 0.0154,-0.0457 0.0308,-0.0926 0.0431,-0.14065 l 0.02,-0.0733 -0.06,-0.0688 c 0,-0.21667 0.0185,-0.43325 0.04,-0.64907 l 0.0692,0.0353 -0.0631,-0.10433 c 0.0154,-0.13573 0.0277,-0.27428 0.0293,-0.41291 6.2e-4,-0.15823 -0.0154,-0.30544 -0.0831,-0.49297 -0.0277,-0.0723 -0.0662,-0.14973 -0.12465,-0.24155 -0.0584,-0.0919 -0.14157,-0.19697 -0.21543,-0.27388 -0.14773,-0.15388 -0.24898,-0.21327 -0.35208,-0.26388 -0.20605,-0.10125 -0.41656,-0.13264 -0.62522,-0.13942 -0.02,-6.1e-4 -0.0385,-10e-4 -0.0585,-6.1e-4 z m 0.27222,0.40485 c 0.0246,-5e-4 0.0508,-3.1e-4 0.0754,4.8e-4 0.20298,0.006 0.41502,0.046 0.57244,0.1234 0.0585,0.0285 0.10926,0.0665 0.12927,0.0829 0,0.0108 0.0154,0.0263 0.0215,0.0463 0.0369,0.0933 0.06,0.24718 0.06,0.39715 -6.2e-4,0.13265 -0.0154,0.27051 -0.0293,0.40771 -0.42502,-0.20337 -0.85927,-0.22336 -1.25936,-0.0825 l -0.0923,-0.12357 -0.0677,0.0139 c -0.0769,0.0154 -0.15081,0.003 -0.20312,-0.0191 0,-6.2e-4 0,-10e-4 0,-0.003 0,-0.006 0,-0.0139 0,-0.0209 -0.0169,-0.0682 -0.0246,-0.15937 -0.0154,-0.25355 0.0646,-0.40452 0.43949,-0.56193 0.81403,-0.56936 z m 0.39239,1.29801 c 0.13849,-5.4e-4 0.27714,0.0174 0.4104,0.0529 -0.0169,0.23236 -0.0246,0.46551 -0.0246,0.69884 -0.2322,0.65101 -0.78709,1.05791 -1.36061,0.99559 -0.10464,-0.0108 -0.20574,-0.0414 -0.29083,-0.0823 -0.08,-0.0383 -0.14466,-0.0916 -0.15973,-0.10494 0,-0.006 -0.0154,-0.0191 -0.02,-0.0421 -0.0277,-0.0651 -0.0554,-0.17521 -0.0569,-0.29539 -4.1e-4,-0.0366 0,-0.0729 0,-0.10849 h 0.47888 l -0.32407,-0.36283 h -0.0308 c 0.0831,-0.14496 0.19944,-0.27193 0.32639,-0.37343 0.31545,-0.25241 0.68461,-0.37642 1.04624,-0.37777 z"
id="path11042-0" />
id="g11044-2" />
d="m 761.61914,298.23242 v 3.75 139.09766 0.35547 3.39648 0.35547 L 777.75195,459.25 V 458.89453 455.5 c 3e-5,-22.19203 7.45412,-73.97376 16.83399,-94.13477 6.8115,-14.64058 17.03407,-27.43003 28.25,-34.625 5.60796,-3.59748 11.48793,-5.78431 17.13086,-6.16601 4.64276,-0.31405 9.63942,1.21976 12.23828,2.41406 0.21088,0.42476 0.43018,0.90039 0.6289,1.42383 1.47793,3.8929 2.18084,9.53908 1.96094,15.4043 -0.43979,11.73043 -3.96897,25.15309 -6.01367,37.79101 -1.5589,9.63533 -1.57283,19.48292 0.0137,29.28906 l 0.70313,4.34961 16.07031,13.35547 -0.70313,-4.34961 c -1.48975,-9.2081 -1.50571,-18.73824 0.0117,-28.11718 2.01705,-12.46706 5.58699,-25.8646 6.04688,-38.13086 0.22994,-6.13313 -0.1664,-11.78008 -2.49219,-17.90625 -1.16289,-3.06308 -2.66752,-6.27671 -6.52344,-11.15821 -3.85592,-4.8815 -10.4039,-10.81533 -14.87695,-13.79492 -9.58119,-6.38223 -15.25068,-6.92612 -21.52148,-6.50195 -6.2708,0.42417 -12.32399,2.74989 -18.09375,6.45117 -3.60611,2.3133 -7.092,5.16854 -10.39258,8.45508 -7.26128,7.23038 -13.62296,16.54684 -18.38086,26.77344 -0.29861,0.64181 -0.59663,1.31553 -0.89063,2.01367 v -32.28906 -3.75 l -16.13281,-14.06446 z"
id="path11046-1" />
d="m -496.40013,560.55508 c -59.8923,-4.32299 -122.0417,-6.90102 -185.7928,-7.51965 -14.8508,-0.14411 -29.6603,-0.20116 -44.3984,-0.15601 -221.0724,0.67702 -426.98947,23.13633 -543.31947,81.98225 -23.5568,11.91628 -42.983,24.81199 -58.5924,42.30874 -15.6093,17.4967 -26.9568,42.17461 -26.3439,67.34087 1.2257,50.33259 35.7062,79.82395 71.0748,104.14775 70.7372,48.6476 179.0433,87.30248 292.46027,124.30412 138.3258,45.12795 263.7288,101.67045 300.6675,135.68865 2.3713,2.1841 4.2635,4.1836 5.7879,5.9427 -12.498,7.7995 -43.2377,24.2493 -94.7925,37.138 -127.2842,31.8211 -327.67267,41.6454 -517.91237,35.1059 -198.5687,-6.8259 -381.4073,-29.2531 -529.6133,-61.6257 107.5749,-52.2869 221.3226,-105.4639 290.7922,-157.71221 46.4743,-34.95326 74.8101,-68.34641 63.2209,-106.26711 -5.7946,-18.9604 -18.7836,-39.00973 -68.2264,-69.88373 -49.443,-30.87402 -144.9597,-70.16196 -220.6852,-92.82599 -162.5665,-48.65496 -289.043,-62.37759 -434.3608,-70.30363 -145.3176,-7.92597 -299.4232,-4.61432 -456.3714,7.14609 -98.0924,7.35027 -197.1597,18.03325 -294.8991,31.52111 -215.0264,29.67324 -423.68,72.90912 -601.6109,124.06677 -52.3624,15.05488 -103.6799,30.37032 -153.9396,45.90066 l 285.0098,-244.31818 20.3179,-17.45139 -221.2763,-87.05169 -20.3548,17.44871 -705.7502,604.98829 -20.3549,17.4488 0.3527,0.1339 c -4.7598,3.814 -9.4149,7.6345 -13.9015,11.4805 l -20.3548,17.4487 221.3017,87.0634 20.3179,-17.4514 c 150.2966,-128.838 464.8846,-241.84725 821.1648,-344.28281 255.524,-73.46668 576.7341,-130.50046 883.5338,-153.48953 153.3998,-11.49455 303.5706,-14.39325 437.0742,-7.11158 131.6437,7.18019 256.7237,29.53049 304.276,43.34754 4.4229,4.21702 11.6818,11.98675 14.406,20.90051 8.0669,26.39489 -14.6086,60.18272 -59.4437,93.90314 -72.6594,54.64714 -198.9449,112.12175 -314.574,169.00593 -34.516,-15.6982 -61.9307,-31.4354 -80.6111,-46.2156 -21.2936,-16.84766 -30.765,-31.45299 -33.522,-39.8106 -2.7568,-8.35759 -3.0039,-11.86399 3.7868,-23.54493 l 26.6703,-45.87901 -91.7478,-53.34437 -26.6701,45.87903 c -19.1942,33.01646 -24.6183,74.33426 -12.8115,110.12793 11.8068,35.79375 36.6425,64.66365 68.4256,89.81065 9.8629,7.8037 20.6129,15.315 32.0168,22.6137 -80.717,47.2585 -135.0366,97.2679 -160.9857,149.0064 l -10.6514,21.1757 224,83.6767 10.6153,-21.1785 c 24.4097,-48.6693 76.0989,-96.7441 153.5406,-142.49 12.5491,3.6324 25.2184,7.2406 38.4605,10.7487 169.9274,45.0182 388.8231,75.1919 629.8028,83.4756 196.0854,6.7406 400.42447,-1.4988 547.29527,-38.2165 78.4305,-19.6076 129.5282,-37.951 161.6627,-82.5166 16.0674,-22.2827 21.9717,-55.2078 14.3384,-81.0389 -7.6333,-25.8311 -23.2183,-44.3322 -40.8508,-60.5708 -70.5305,-64.95447 -196.6769,-111.88406 -339.6301,-158.52168 -110.66267,-36.10299 -216.94517,-77.60792 -265.26837,-110.84089 -11.0495,-7.59903 -16.9199,-13.90874 -20.418,-17.96133 4.5608,-3.59876 11.6409,-8.40883 22.067,-13.68236 80.5767,-40.76002 309.90497,-72.62345 538.77407,-70.40254 246.1017,2.38811 468.05999,36.04106 615.792276,83.03804 91.25976,29.03179 150.58125,63.82807 172.211294,87.54079 10.81493,11.85635 11.97462,18.14267 12.03771,21.55522 0.0632,3.41249 -0.54442,8.99171 -11.09352,20.91725 l -35.175024,39.74874 79.499604,70.3193 35.17508,-39.7488 c 22.9123,-25.90177 38.36088,-58.58481 37.72093,-93.19848 -0.64,-34.61362 -16.95798,-66.11539 -39.76994,-91.12373 C 137.55563,708.19897 65.005426,672.95496 -35.238454,641.06512 -157.29256,602.23692 -316.72953,573.52743 -496.40203,560.55504 Z"
id="path11052-9" />
id="g11058-0" />
d="m 884.22266,234.57617 -0.28321,56.55274 -31.7832,-0.16016 14.15625,16.00977 17.54688,0.0879 -0.3418,68.24023 a 11.001544,2.7501639 44.89486 0 0 15.10742,15.07617 l 50.91602,0.25586 -14.1543,-16.00976 -35.73242,-0.17969 0.33789,-67.30078 49.23828,0.24609 -14.1543,-16.00976 -35.0039,-0.17579 0.21289,-42.48828 -16.0625,-14.14453 z"
id="path11060-3" />
d="M 174.05576,-369.56329 C 250.63149,-202.75522 381.26297,-61.283963 541.45099,28.318334 701.63901,117.92063 890.55597,155.19104 1072.7715,133.13969 1254.9871,111.08835 1429.5599,29.829188 1563.7497,-95.398092 1697.9395,-220.62537 1791.053,-389.17378 1825.6274,-569.433 c 0.9147,-4.76881 1.7896,-9.54526 2.6246,-14.32866"
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d="m 2677.0662,-945.54363 c 3.593,95.89532 -18.5541,192.63505 -63.5101,277.4158 -44.956,84.78076 -112.6087,157.39062 -194.0041,208.21975 -81.3955,50.82913 -176.3303,79.75049 -272.24,82.93636 -95.9097,3.18586 -192.5546,-19.37172 -277.1437,-64.68728 -44.2143,-23.68621 -84.9465,-53.3068 -127.9182,-79.17909 -7.4732,-4.49944 -15.0145,-8.8857 -22.6205,-13.15677"
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d="m 194.2352,-999.51253 c 73.7451,-268.85367 284.27006,-496.30317 546.63108,-590.57587 262.36102,-94.2726 569.50402,-52.8338 797.50132,107.5965 40.7292,28.6591 78.9993,60.8119 114.252,95.9895"
inkscape:original-d="m 194.2352,-999.51253 c 446.77912,-161.65987 896.0876,-321.99017 1344.1324,-482.97937 448.0443,-160.9893 76.1676,63.9892 114.252,95.9895" />
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x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 486">◡ humans learn with machines ◠ ◡ machines learn from machines ◠ ◟ machines learn with humans ◟ ◡</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 486">humans learn from machines ◟ ◟ machines learn with machines ◟ ◟ machines learn from humans ◝ ◡</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">humans learn with humans ◠ ◜ humans learn from humans ◞ ◜ humans learn with machines ◡ ◝ mac</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 481.5 486">ines learn from machines ◠ ◠ machines learn with humans ◡ ◟ humans learn from machines ◠ ◜</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 486">achines learn with machines ◡ ◟ machines learn from humans ◡ ◠ humans learn with humans ◞ ◝</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459">humans learn from humans ◞ ◡ humans learn with machines ◠ ◟ machines learn from machines ◜</tspan>
x="4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5">machines learn with humans ◜ ◝ humans learn from machines ◟ ◟ machines learn with machines ◝</tspan>
x="13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5">◝ machines learn from humans ◠ ◞ humans learn with humans ◠ ◞ humans learn from humans ◠</tspan>
x="13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◜ humans learn with machines ◞ ◝ machines learn from machines ◝ ◠ machines learn with humans</tspan>
x="0 4.5 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◡ ◜ humans learn from machines ◜ ◟ machines learn with machines ◞ ◜ machines learn from</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">umans ◜ ◡ humans learn with humans ◜ ◝ humans learn from humans ◞ ◡ humans learn with ma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">hines ◡ ◠ machines learn from machines ◜ ◞ machines learn with humans ◡ ◝ humans learn f</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">om machines ◡ ◟ machines learn with machines ◞ ◡ machines learn from humans ◞ ◟ humans l</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">arn with humans ◡ ◡ humans learn from humans ◝ ◜ humans learn with machines ◜ ◝ machines</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 472.5 477 481.5 486">learn from machines ◞ ◡ machines learn with humans ◞ ◡ humans learn from machines ◜ ◠ ma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5">hines learn with machines ◞ ◟ machines learn from humans ◞ ◟ humans learn with humans ◠</tspan>
x="4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5">humans learn from humans ◝ ◟ humans learn with machines ◞ ◟ machines learn from machines ◝</tspan>
x="13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◞ machines learn with humans ◜ ◝ humans learn from machines ◡ ◝ machines learn with machines</tspan>
x="0 4.5 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◠ ◠ machines learn from humans ◠ ◡ humans learn with humans ◝ ◜ humans learn from human</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◡ ◟ humans learn with machines ◟ ◞ machines learn from machines ◠ ◡ machines learn w</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">th humans ◜ ◟ humans learn from machines ◠ ◞ machines learn with machines ◟ ◡ machine</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">learn from humans ◟ ◞ humans learn with humans ◠ ◟ humans learn from humans ◡ ◞ huma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5">s learn with machines ◟ ◞ machines learn from machines ◟ ◡ machines learn with humans ◟</tspan>
x="9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◞ humans learn from machines ◠ ◡ machines learn with machines ◝ ◠ machines learn from human</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◞ ◡ humans learn with humans ◟ ◠ humans learn from humans ◠ ◟ humans learn with mach</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">nes ◡ ◠ machines learn from machines ◡ ◠ machines learn with humans ◞ ◡ humans learn</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">rom machines ◜ ◠ machines learn with machines ◟ ◟ machines learn from humans ◡ ◜ huma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 477 481.5 486">s learn with humans ◠ ◟ humans learn from humans ◡ ◡ humans learn with machines ◝ ◞ m</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477">chines learn from machines ◠ ◡ machines learn with humans ◟ ◠ humans learn from machines ◠</tspan>
x="22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◜ machines learn with machines ◟ ◜ machines learn from humans ◞ ◜ humans learn with huma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">s ◟ ◞ humans learn from humans ◟ ◝ humans learn with machines ◜ ◞ machines learn from</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">machines ◞ ◠ machines learn with humans ◠ ◟ humans learn from machines ◜ ◝ machines l</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">arn with machines ◞ ◠ machines learn from humans ◝ ◝ humans learn with humans ◠ ◡ hum</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459">ns learn from humans ◠ ◞ humans learn with machines ◡ ◝ machines learn from machines ◜</tspan>
x="4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◜ machines learn with humans ◠ ◠ machines learn with humans ◞ ◟ machines learn from</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">machines ◟ ◟ humans learn with machines ◝ ◝ humans learn from humans ◡ ◠ humans learn</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">with humans ◞ ◞ machines learn from humans ◠ ◟ machines learn with machines ◡ ◠ human</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459">learn from machines ◠ ◞ machines learn with humans ◠ ◟ machines learn from machines ◟</tspan>
x="4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5">◟ humans learn with machines ◜ ◟ humans learn from humans ◠ ◡ humans learn with humans ◝</tspan>
x="18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◝ machines learn from humans ◜ ◟ machines learn with machines ◝ ◞ humans learn from machi</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">es ◝ ◞ machines learn with humans ◡ ◜ machines learn from machines ◞ ◞ humans learn w</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">th machines ◝ ◡ humans learn from humans ◟ ◡ humans learn with humans ◝ ◠ machines le</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 472.5 477 481.5 486">rn from humans ◜ ◞ machines learn with machines ◞ ◞ humans learn from machines ◝ ◠ ma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5">hines learn with humans ◠ ◝ machines learn from machines ◝ ◡ humans learn with machines ◠</tspan>
x="18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◞ humans learn from humans ◜ ◝ humans learn with humans ◞ ◞ machines learn from humans ◝</tspan>
x="31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◠ machines learn with machines ◜ ◞ humans learn from machines ◞ ◠ machines learn with</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">umans ◠ ◡ machines learn from machines ◡ ◡ humans learn with machines ◡ ◝ humans lear</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">from humans ◠ ◝ humans learn with humans ◟ ◞ machines learn from humans ◞ ◝ machines</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 486">learn with machines ◜ ◡ humans learn from machines ◠ ◠ machines learn with humans ◞ ◜</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477">machines learn from machines ◞ ◜ humans learn with machines ◝ ◟ humans learn from humans ◡</tspan>
x="22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◜ humans learn with humans ◡ ◜ machines learn from humans ◞ ◜ machines learn with machines</tspan>
x="0 4.5 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◡ ◡ humans learn from machines ◞ ◡ machines learn with humans ◝ ◡ machines learn from ma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">hines ◠ ◜ humans learn with machines ◞ ◝ humans learn from humans ◜ ◝ humans learn with</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">umans ◟ ◟ machines learn from humans ◜ ◡ machines learn with machines ◝ ◡ humans learn f</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">om machines ◡ ◞ machines learn with humans ◠ ◝ machines learn from machines ◜ ◟ humans l</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">arn with machines ◞ ◞ humans learn from humans ◝ ◜ humans learn with humans ◡ ◠ machines</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 472.5 477 481.5 486">learn from humans ◟ ◞ machines learn with machines ◡ ◠ humans learn from machines ◝ ◡ ma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5">hines learn with humans ◝ ◡ machines learn from machines ◜ ◝ humans learn with machines ◠</tspan>
x="4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5">◝ humans learn from humans ◠ ◡ humans learn with humans ◡ ◠ machines learn from humans ◡</tspan>
x="4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◡ machines learn with machines ◟ ◡ humans learn from machines ◝ ◝ machines learn with humans ◝</tspan>
x="0 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">◝ machines learn from machines ◡ ◝ humans learn with machines ◡ ◞ humans learn from huma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 49.5 54 58.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 211.5 216 220.5 225 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 382.5 387 391.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">s ◠ ◝ humans learn with humans ◝ ◠ machines learn from humans ◠ ◡ machines learn with ma</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">hines ◞ ◞ humans learn from machines ◟ ◟ machines learn with humans ◠ ◝ machines learn from</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">machines ◟ ◜ humans learn with machines ◞ ◟ humans learn from humans ◡ ◟ humans learn with</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 229.5 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">umans ◡ ◠ machines learn from humans ◠ ◞ machines learn with machines ◞ ◠ humans learn from</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 373.5 378 382.5 387 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">machines ◟ ◡ machines learn with humans ◞ ◠ machines learn from machines ◞ ◠ humans learn w</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 40.5 45 49.5 54 58.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 211.5 216 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">th machines ◝ ◜ humans learn from humans ◝ ◞ humans learn with humans ◝ ◜ machines learn from</tspan>
x="0 4.5 9 13.5 18 22.5 27 31.5 36 63 67.5 72 76.5 81 85.5 90 94.5 99 103.5 108 112.5 117 121.5 126 130.5 135 139.5 144 148.5 153 157.5 162 166.5 171 175.5 180 184.5 189 193.5 198 202.5 207 234 238.5 243 247.5 252 256.5 261 265.5 270 274.5 279 283.5 288 292.5 297 301.5 306 310.5 315 319.5 324 328.5 333 337.5 342 346.5 351 355.5 360 364.5 369 396 400.5 405 409.5 414 418.5 423 427.5 432 436.5 441 445.5 450 454.5 459 463.5 468 472.5 477 481.5 486">humans ◠ ◡ machines learn with machines ◝ ◠ humans learn from machines ◠ ◜ machines learn with</tspan>