import base64 import os from io import BytesIO import magic from page_template import html_footer, html_head, styles from PIL import Image CODE_TYPES = [ 'x-c', 'html' ] FILE_TYPES = { 'image': '', 'pdf': ( '' '' ), 'text': '{}', 'video': ( '' ), 'audio': ( '' ), } MIME_TYPE = magic.Magic(mime=True) def thumbnail(image, name): size = (450, 450) im = im.thumbnail(size) output = BytesIO(), format='JPEG') im_data = output.getvalue() data_url = base64.b64encode(im_data).decode() return ( "" ).format(name, data_url) def div(mime, tag, *values): id_name = values[0].split('.')[0].replace(' ', '_') if 'image' in mime: html = '
' elif 'pdf' in mime: html = '
' else: html = '
' return html.format(id_name, tag, values[0]) def distribusify(args, directory): # noqa for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): html = [] if args.verbose: print('Listing', root) for name in files: if args.verbose: print('Adding', name) if 'index.html' not in name: full_path = os.path.join(root, name) mime = MIME_TYPE.from_file(full_path) mime, format = mime.split('/') # example: plain text if args.verbose: print(mime, format) if mime in FILE_TYPES: # expansion for different kind of textfiles if mime == 'text': if name.endswith('.html') or name.endswith('.txt'): # what types of text files to expand a = open(full_path).read() elif format in CODE_TYPES: # if the plain text is code, # which types do we wrap in pre-tags? a = "
" else: a = FILE_TYPES[mime] if mime == 'image' and args.thumbnail: a = thumbnail(full_path, name) else: a = FILE_TYPES[mime] if format in FILE_TYPES: a = FILE_TYPES[format] if mime not in FILE_TYPES and format not in FILE_TYPES: # catch exceptions not defined in FILE_TYPES before a = "{}" if args.verbose: message = 'mime-type not in list, adding as href: \n' print(message, mime, format, name) a = a.replace('{}', name) html.append(div(mime, a, name)) if root != directory: html.append('../') position = '../' * root.count('/') stylesheet = ''.format(position) else: stylesheet = '' for name in dirs: a = "{}/".replace('{}', name) html.insert(0, div('dir', a, 'folder')) with open(os.path.join(root, 'index.html'), 'w') as f: if not args.no_template: header = html_head(stylesheet) f.write(header) h1 = '


'.format(''.join(root)) print('path:', h1) html.insert(0, h1) for line in html: f.write(line+'\n') if not args.no_template: f.write(html_footer) print('adding a stylesheet to {}'.format(directory)) with open(os.path.join(directory, 'stylesheet.css'), 'w') as s: s.write(styles)