Multifeeder/RSS feeds → selection + CSS + template → PDF (very beta)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

138 lines
3.7 KiB

import flask
from flask import request, redirect
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import json
import os
import pypandoc
from jinja2 import Template
APP = flask.Flask(__name__)
# ---
def get_pad_content(pad):
arguments = {
'padID' : pad,
'apikey' : APP.config['PAD_API_KEY']
api_call = 'getText'
response = json.load(urlopen(f"{ APP.config['PAD_API_URL'] }{ api_call }", data=urlencode(arguments).encode()))
content = response['data']['text']
return content
def update_pad_contents():
# download the stylesheet + template pad
css = get_pad_content('feedmode.css')
template = get_pad_content('feedmode.template')
# !!! this breaks the whole idea that this application can be shared by multiple projects at the same time
# !!! but py_pandoc needs to run with files........ hmmm
with open('templates/pandoc-template.html', 'w') as f:
return css, template
def get_multifeeder_feed(query):
feed_json = json.load(urlopen(query))
multifeeder_template = open('templates/multifeeder-template.html').read()
jinja_template = Template(multifeeder_template)
feed_html = jinja_template.render(response=feed_json)
return feed_html, feed_json
def load_query():
query = open('static/query.txt').read().strip() # !!! needs fixing
return query
# ---
@APP.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def index():
return redirect("/preview/", code=302)
@APP.route('/update/', methods=['POST'])
def update():
query = request.form['query']
with open('static/query.txt', 'w') as out:
return redirect("/select/", code=302)
@APP.route('/select/', methods=['GET'])
def select():
# get feed contents
# render selection template with checkboxes
query = load_query()
x, feed_json = get_multifeeder_feed(query)
return flask.render_template('selection-template.html', feed=feed_json, query=query)
@APP.route('/preview/', methods=['GET'])
def preview():
# update pad contents
x, template_content = update_pad_contents()
# get feed contents
query = load_query()
feed_html, x = get_multifeeder_feed(query)
# render multifeeder feed in template
template = Template(template_content)
html = template.render(feed=feed_html, mode="screen")
return flask.render_template('html.html', html=html, query=query)
@APP.route('/stylesheet/', methods=['GET'])
def stylesheet():
ext = '.css'
query = load_query()
return flask.render_template('pad.html', name="feedmode", ext=ext, query=query)
@APP.route('/template/', methods=['GET'])
def template():
ext = '.template'
query = load_query()
return flask.render_template('pad.html', name="feedmode", ext=ext, query=query)
def pdf():
query = load_query()
return flask.render_template('pdf.html', query=query)
# //////////////
# rendered resources (not saved as a file on the server)
def css():
css, x = update_pad_contents()
return css, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/css; charset=utf-8'}
def pandoc_template():
x, template = update_pad_contents()
return template, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'}
def pagedjs():
# update pad contents
x, template = update_pad_contents()
# get feed contents
query = "" # !!! needs fixing
feed_html, feed_json = get_multifeeder_feed(query)
# render multifeeder feed in template
jinja_template = Template(template)
html = jinja_template.render(feed=feed_html, mode="print")
return html, 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=utf-8'}
# //////////////
if __name__ == '__main__':
APP.debug=True"", port=f'{ APP.config["PORTNUMBER"] }', threaded=True)