updating the xdex to a multiform version

This commit is contained in:
manetta 2020-02-29 09:32:44 +01:00
parent c2f25a192a
commit 33af2f5de1
7 changed files with 533 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -23,45 +23,59 @@ def allowed_file(filename):
@APP.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
code = request.args.get('code', '').strip()
fixed1 = request.args.get('fixed1', '').strip()
fixed2 = request.args.get('fixed2', '').strip()
loose = request.args.get('loose', '').strip()
score = request.args.get('score', '').strip()
comment = request.args.get('comment', '').strip()
status = request.args.get('status', '').strip()
x = request.args.get('x', '').strip()
xdex, lastx = load_db('xdex.json')
entries = [x for x in xdex.keys()]
update = request.args.get('update', '').strip()
if update:
# editing entry
x = update
score = request.args.get('score-{}'.format(x), '').strip()
comment = request.args.get('comment-{}'.format(x), '').strip()
status = request.args.get('status-{}'.format(x), '').strip()
xdex[x]['score'] = score
xdex[x]['comment'] = comment
xdex[x]['status'] = status
if status == 'delete':
del xdex[x]
write_db('xdex.json', xdex)
return redirect(url_for('index'))
elif x:
if x not in xdex:
# new entry
xdex[x] = {}
xdex[x]['fixed1'] = fixed1
xdex[x]['fixed2'] = fixed2
xdex[x]['loose'] = loose
submit = request.args.get('submit', '').strip()
if submit:
if submit == 'add':
# if x not in xdex:
if x:
# new entry
xdex[x] = {}
xdex[x]['code'] = code
xdex[x]['fixed1'] = fixed1
xdex[x]['fixed2'] = fixed2
xdex[x]['loose'] = loose
xdex[x]['score'] = score
xdex[x]['comment'] = comment
xdex[x]['status'] = '-'
write_db('xdex.json', xdex)
# editing entry
x = submit
xdex[x]['code'] = code
xdex[x]['score'] = score
xdex[x]['comment'] = comment
xdex[x]['trace'] = ''
xdex[x]['status'] = '-'
xdex[x]['status'] = status
if status == 'delete':
del xdex[x]
write_db('xdex.json', xdex)
return redirect(url_for('index'))
return flask.render_template('x-dex.html', xdex=xdex)
# @APP.route('/test', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
# def test():
# if request.args.get('submit', ''):
# form = request.args.get('submit', '').strip()
# text = request.args.get('text', '').strip()
# else:
# form = 'none'
# text = 'none'
# return flask.render_template('test.html', form=form, text=text)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -23,4 +23,8 @@ input.button{
font-size: 100%;
margin:2em 0;
width: 50px;
margin: 0 0.5em;

View File

@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ table td{
table td textarea{
width: calc(100% - 2em);
height: 100%;
margin: 0.25em 1em;
margin: 0.25em 0.5em;
table td select{
width: 100%;

templates/test.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block page %}
<textarea name="text"></textarea><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="add">
<textarea name="text"></textarea><br>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="update">
<strong>{{ form }}</strong>: {{ text }}
{% endblock %}

View File

@ -1,40 +1,38 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block page %}
<input id="x" type="hidden" name="x" value="">
var now = new Date().getTime();
document.getElementById("x").value = now;
<!-- ********************* -->
<div id="intro" class="screen" style="display:block;">
<h1>xdex / exdex / x:dex</h1>
<div><em>we are using media-specific tools to observe contributions and then place the handles into an exdex</em></div>
<input class="button" type="button" onclick="nextScreen('intro','choose')" value="add entry"><br>
<!-- xdex xdex xdex xdex xdex -->
<div id="xdex">
<th>fixed 1</th>
<th>fixed 2</th>
<th>loose element</th>
{% for x in xdex.keys() %}
<!-- ********************* -->
<div id="intro" class="screen" style="display:block;">
<h1>xdex / exdex / x:dex</h1>
<div><em>we are using media-specific tools to observe contributions and then place the handles into an exdex</em></div>
<input class="button" type="button" onclick="nextScreen('intro','choose')" value="add entry"><br>
<!-- xdex xdex xdex xdex xdex -->
<div id="xdex">
<th>fixed 1</th>
<th>fixed 2</th>
<th>loose element</th>
{% for x in xdex.keys() %}
<td><input class="code" type="text" name="code" value="{{ xdex[x]['code'] }}"></td>
<td>{{ xdex[x]['fixed1'] }}</td>
<td>{{ xdex[x]['fixed2'] }}</td>
<td>{{ xdex[x]['loose'] }}</td>
<td><textarea name="score-{{ x }}" cols="50" rows="5">{{ xdex[x]['score'] }}</textarea></td>
<td><textarea name="comment-{{ x }}" cols="30" rows="5">{{ xdex[x]['comment'] }}</textarea></td>
<td><textarea name="score" cols="250" rows="10">{{ xdex[x]['score'] }}</textarea></td>
<td><textarea name="comment" cols="50" rows="10">{{ xdex[x]['comment'] }}</textarea></td>
<select name="status-{{ x }}">
<select name="status">
<option {% if xdex[x]['status'] == '-'%}selected{% else %}{% endif %}>-</option>
<option {% if xdex[x]['status'] == 'ready'%}selected{% else %}{% endif %}>ready</option>
<option {% if xdex[x]['status'] == 'unsure'%}selected{% else %}{% endif %}>unsure</option>
@ -43,15 +41,25 @@
update x: <br><br>
<input type="submit" name="update" value="{{ x }}"></td>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="{{ x }}"></td>
{% endfor %}
<!-- xdex xdex xdex xdex xdex -->
{% endfor %}
<!-- xdex xdex xdex xdex xdex -->
<!-- ///////////////////////////// -->
<!-- start of form to add an entry -->
<!-- ///////////////////////////// -->
<input id="x" type="hidden" name="x" value="">
var now = new Date().getTime();
document.getElementById("x").value = now;
<!-- ********************* -->
<div id="choose" class="screen" style="display:none;">
@ -182,10 +190,14 @@
<input class="button" type="submit" value="submit">
<input class="button" type="button" onclick="prevScreen('share','describe')" value="previous">
<input class="button" type="submit" name="submit" value="add">
<!-- ********************* -->
<!-- /////////////////////////// -->
<!-- end of form to add an entry -->
<!-- /////////////////////////// -->
{% endblock %}
{% block footer %}

xdex-friday.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
"1582906030219": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "Traced a curve through the blank spaces of the introduction text, without touching a single word.",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - we",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - curve"
"1582901597588": {
"comment": "code: lblb",
"trace": "",
"score": "checked for possibly absent alliences to humans not encompassed in the first person multiple in the text and made a suggestive scrible about it in black at the point where the absence is tangible for me",
"loose": "handle",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - rica rickson",
"status": "ready",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582906871395": {
"comment": "just a side comment, not really an annotation",
"trace": "",
"score": "color in light brown the lack of understanding, meaning also the lack of patience condensed on a planar projection of what looks architectonic but clearly is musical, choreographic or perhaps even fleshy.",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - scores",
"fixed2": "[tool] - absence"
"1582909820662": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "",
"loose": "-",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "-",
"fixed2": "-"
"1582909347122": {
"comment": "code BABU",
"trace": "",
"score": "drawing a line(s) to identify individual vs collective composition",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - we",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - curve"
"1582901775407": {
"comment": "want to make this in the whole text, but by now just tried one page.",
"trace": "",
"score": "with the tool of curve aand the handle of transition, i annotated on the intro text the moments in which the text was referring to explicit transitions: seasonal, practical, of state...etc. In golden color: first, 2018, between, the next, that followed, emerged, contamination, will be, resulting, immediately, followed, a goal, after.",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[tool] - curve",
"fixed2": "[handle] - transition"
"1582901183864": {
"comment": "code 'psss'",
"trace": "",
"score": "marked in blue clouds are potential spaces where humans could traverse",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - transition",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - scores"
"1582904804369": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "I marked the word \"there\" in the first page of Rica Rickson's text four times, turning the page 90 degrees to the right each time, then I connected the marks with a line, trying to make them look as a single connected thing",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - curve",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[handle] - transition"
"1582902804252": {
"comment": "perhaps the red dots are not the best way to trave the temporalities in this text, which has a very nice timelining back and forth. ///update: Now, underlined in red.",
"trace": "",
"score": "colouring temporalities in red. I marked on the left side of the text by spideralex, the lines in which a notion of temporality appeared:\r\n\r\na veces\r\notras veces\r\nen otras\r\nlos posibles\r\nsiempre \r\nfuturotop\u00eda\r\na veces\r\nespecular\r\nsobrepasar\r\na veces\r\nsigue all\u00ed\r\na veces\r\nsiempre\r\npor\r\na menudo\r\nnuevas\r\nest\u00e1n\r\notras posibilidades\r\nsiempre\r\nhemos sido\r\nresultar\u00eda\r\nnos ofrec\u00edan\r\ns\u00f3lo fue posible\r\nde nuevo el potencial\r\nespeculativas\r\nrecuperar\r\nlas \"nuevas\"\r\nregeneradores\r\nmemorias\r\nnuevos\r\nnuevos\r\nfuturotop\u00edas\r\npodr\u00eda ser\r\nsiendo\r\nreconvertidos\r\na\u00fan\r\nsobrepasar\r\nutop\u00edas\r\nfuturos\r\neje del tiempo\r\nfuturism\r\nvisi\u00f3n de futuro\r\nconocer el futuro\r\nfuturo\r\nalteraci\u00f3n futura\r\npresente\r\nrpobable\r\nprobables\r\npaso a paso\r\nprofec\u00edas\r\nuna vez hecha\r\nespeculativas\r\nfuturos\r\ncrear procesos restaurativos\r\nrapidamente\r\ntambi\u00e9n\r\na veces\r\ntiende a \r\na tiempos\r\nseguir con ella",
"loose": "-",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"fixed2": "[handle] - time"
"1582906463010": {
"comment": "aah",
"trace": "",
"score": "A vortex representing the power-resources vicious circle",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - how",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - curve"
"1582906251610": {
"comment": "{TG} - focus on the temporality x text [glossary] x all contributions",
"trace": "",
"score": "trace glossary items in all the contributions that engage with notions of temporality",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - time",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582904495528": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "copied an anecdote from Rica Rickson's text",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - transition",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582904036088": {
"comment": "FSS2",
"trace": "",
"score": "Look for question marks in multiple contributions. Answer the questions by throwing the dice. (I want a simple score that allows me to go quickly through all contributions)\r\n\r\nThe results are of course not interesting. But I start to think of a dice that would be more interesting to throw? What answers would be on it?\r\n\r\nTrying to see if the questions relate to the handles. Organise them accordingly?\r\n\r\nI mark every contribution. In order of amount of question marks:\r\n\r\nSpells: 0\r\nScore: 0\r\nFeminist infrastructures: 8\r\nCollective Conditions: 17\r\nIntroduction: 17\r\nPostcards Bozar: 17\r\nREADME: 19\r\nRica Rickson: 32",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - transition",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582902522935": {
"comment": "FSS1",
"trace": "",
"score": "While reading the machinic translation in English, somehow the time-handle starts to appear. I re-read the translation from top to bottom and note everything that seems to stick to 'what is not there yet'.\r\n\r\nWhat a group needs\r\nWhat needs to heal\r\nBreathing space\r\nTransformative collective action\r\nGetting used to feeling them and loving them\r\nA futuretopia\r\nA living infrastructure\r\nDreaming and speculating together\r\nKnowing how to do it\r\nHaving overcome the tension\r\nStill allowing\r\nBeing Binti2 the harmonizer\r\nMaking the energies of the community converge\r\nKnowing how to do it\r\nKnowing how to do it with all the species present\r\nAn infrastructure that is both supportive and sustainable\r\nThe exploration of additional clues\r\nThe identification of processes that create feminist infrastructure\r\nNew horizons of political action\r\nOther possibilities\r\nThe capacity to work together with the fears and shames imposed by the capitalist system\r\nLife that is obviated and completely destroyed\r\nThe recovery of those techniques for life\r\nFinding the path to appropriate technologies\r\nNew vocabularies to create worlds",
"loose": "handle",
"fixed1": "[tool] - absence",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - feminist infrastructures"
"1582906933630": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "I put the letters of the question in Rica Rickson's text \"when do we really have time for collective digestion of the events happening\" in alphabetical ordre.",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - rica rickson",
"fixed2": "[handle] - time"
"1582905249464": {
"comment": "can be tested again. // update:\r\nsome were crossed because they don't really apply any more.",
"trace": "",
"score": "marked in the spell the absence or pause of breath when reading aloud.",
"loose": "tool",
"fixed1": "[tool] - absence",
"status": "unsure",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - holding spell"
"1582904199560": {
"comment": "Do",
"trace": "",
"score": "Highlighted all \"we\"s in warm colors. A stronger color was used (eg red instead of yellow) when \"we\"s was explicitly referring to a group, a circle, a community or to the practice of sharing rather that as a general \"we\".",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"status": "unsure",
"fixed2": "[handle] - we"
"1582905938626": {
"comment": "DU",
"trace": "",
"score": "Time and \"we\" are interwined. \r\n\"It takes time to work together\".",
"loose": "handle",
"fixed1": "[tool] - text",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - bozar group"
"1582902363469": {
"comment": "just two tools will be deployed: absence and text",
"trace": "",
"score": "To find around the text all wording related to recurrence and come up with a hypertext (free association)",
"loose": "tool",
"fixed1": "[handle] - time",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - collective conditions"
"1582902400413": {
"comment": "while looking for explicits \"hows\", I found a question on how, and instead of putting it in brackets only i underlined it in blue, in case someone wants to work with questions on how, instead of with affirmations of how-to.",
"trace": "",
"score": "blue-how-intro: in bblue brackets, all written info on method of Iterations settings.",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"status": "unsure",
"fixed2": "[handle] - how"
"1582905682853": {
"comment": "BU",
"trace": "",
"score": "what tools can we use to support each others? orange. \r\nWhat are the barriers to it? light blue.",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - how",
"fixed2": "[tool] - color"
"1582901748265": {
"comment": "{BT} - there are two papers.",
"trace": "",
"score": "Trace all the temporalities in the contribution as curves & text (phrases). They can be merged into one trace.",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - bozar group",
"fixed2": "[handle] - time"
"1582903448935": {
"comment": "code: money",
"trace": "",
"score": "green dots appear where money should be spend on",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[handle] - how"
"1582909015015": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "finding along with the text places where magic is implicit",
"loose": "tool",
"fixed1": "[handle] - how",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - holding spell"

View File

@ -1,11 +1,210 @@
"1582903061782": {
"fixed1": "-",
"fixed2": "-",
"loose": "-",
"score": "",
"1582906030219": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"status": "-"
"score": "Traced a curve through the blank spaces of the introduction text, without touching a single word.",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - we",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - curve"
"1582901597588": {
"comment": "code: lblb",
"trace": "",
"score": "checked for possibly absent alliences to humans not encompassed in the first person multiple in the text and made a suggestive scrible about it in black at the point where the absence is tangible for me",
"loose": "handle",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - rica rickson",
"status": "ready",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582906871395": {
"comment": "just a side comment, not really an annotation",
"trace": "",
"score": "color in light brown the lack of understanding, meaning also the lack of patience condensed on a planar projection of what looks architectonic but clearly is musical, choreographic or perhaps even fleshy.",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - scores",
"fixed2": "[tool] - absence"
"1582909347122": {
"comment": "code BABU",
"trace": "",
"score": "drawing a line(s) to identify individual vs collective composition",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - we",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - curve"
"1582901775407": {
"comment": "want to make this in the whole text, but by now just tried one page.",
"trace": "",
"score": "with the tool of curve aand the handle of transition, i annotated on the intro text the moments in which the text was referring to explicit transitions: seasonal, practical, of state...etc. In golden color: first, 2018, between, the next, that followed, emerged, contamination, will be, resulting, immediately, followed, a goal, after.",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[tool] - curve",
"fixed2": "[handle] - transition"
"1582901183864": {
"comment": "code 'psss'",
"trace": "",
"score": "marked in blue clouds are potential spaces where humans could traverse",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - transition",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - scores"
"1582904804369": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "I marked the word \"there\" in the first page of Rica Rickson's text four times, turning the page 90 degrees to the right each time, then I connected the marks with a line, trying to make them look as a single connected thing",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - curve",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[handle] - transition"
"1582902804252": {
"comment": "perhaps the red dots are not the best way to trave the temporalities in this text, which has a very nice timelining back and forth. ///update: Now, underlined in red.",
"trace": "",
"score": "colouring temporalities in red. I marked on the left side of the text by spideralex, the lines in which a notion of temporality appeared:\r\n\r\na veces\r\notras veces\r\nen otras\r\nlos posibles\r\nsiempre \r\nfuturotop\u00eda\r\na veces\r\nespecular\r\nsobrepasar\r\na veces\r\nsigue all\u00ed\r\na veces\r\nsiempre\r\npor\r\na menudo\r\nnuevas\r\nest\u00e1n\r\notras posibilidades\r\nsiempre\r\nhemos sido\r\nresultar\u00eda\r\nnos ofrec\u00edan\r\ns\u00f3lo fue posible\r\nde nuevo el potencial\r\nespeculativas\r\nrecuperar\r\nlas \"nuevas\"\r\nregeneradores\r\nmemorias\r\nnuevos\r\nnuevos\r\nfuturotop\u00edas\r\npodr\u00eda ser\r\nsiendo\r\nreconvertidos\r\na\u00fan\r\nsobrepasar\r\nutop\u00edas\r\nfuturos\r\neje del tiempo\r\nfuturism\r\nvisi\u00f3n de futuro\r\nconocer el futuro\r\nfuturo\r\nalteraci\u00f3n futura\r\npresente\r\nrpobable\r\nprobables\r\npaso a paso\r\nprofec\u00edas\r\nuna vez hecha\r\nespeculativas\r\nfuturos\r\ncrear procesos restaurativos\r\nrapidamente\r\ntambi\u00e9n\r\na veces\r\ntiende a \r\na tiempos\r\nseguir con ella",
"loose": "-",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"fixed2": "[handle] - time"
"1582906463010": {
"comment": "aah",
"trace": "",
"score": "A vortex representing the power-resources vicious circle",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - how",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - curve"
"1582906251610": {
"comment": "{TG} - focus on the temporality x text [glossary] x all contributions",
"trace": "",
"score": "trace glossary items in all the contributions that engage with notions of temporality",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - time",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582904495528": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "copied an anecdote from Rica Rickson's text",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - transition",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582904036088": {
"comment": "FSS2",
"trace": "",
"score": "Look for question marks in multiple contributions. Answer the questions by throwing the dice. (I want a simple score that allows me to go quickly through all contributions)\r\n\r\nThe results are of course not interesting. But I start to think of a dice that would be more interesting to throw? What answers would be on it?\r\n\r\nTrying to see if the questions relate to the handles. Organise them accordingly?\r\n\r\nI mark every contribution. In order of amount of question marks:\r\n\r\nSpells: 0\r\nScore: 0\r\nFeminist infrastructures: 8\r\nCollective Conditions: 17\r\nIntroduction: 17\r\nPostcards Bozar: 17\r\nREADME: 19\r\nRica Rickson: 32",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[handle] - transition",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[tool] - text"
"1582902522935": {
"comment": "FSS1",
"trace": "",
"score": "While reading the machinic translation in English, somehow the time-handle starts to appear. I re-read the translation from top to bottom and note everything that seems to stick to 'what is not there yet'.\r\n\r\nWhat a group needs\r\nWhat needs to heal\r\nBreathing space\r\nTransformative collective action\r\nGetting used to feeling them and loving them\r\nA futuretopia\r\nA living infrastructure\r\nDreaming and speculating together\r\nKnowing how to do it\r\nHaving overcome the tension\r\nStill allowing\r\nBeing Binti2 the harmonizer\r\nMaking the energies of the community converge\r\nKnowing how to do it\r\nKnowing how to do it with all the species present\r\nAn infrastructure that is both supportive and sustainable\r\nThe exploration of additional clues\r\nThe identification of processes that create feminist infrastructure\r\nNew horizons of political action\r\nOther possibilities\r\nThe capacity to work together with the fears and shames imposed by the capitalist system\r\nLife that is obviated and completely destroyed\r\nThe recovery of those techniques for life\r\nFinding the path to appropriate technologies\r\nNew vocabularies to create worlds",
"loose": "handle",
"fixed1": "[tool] - absence",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - feminist infrastructures"
"1582906933630": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "I put the letters of the question in Rica Rickson's text \"when do we really have time for collective digestion of the events happening\" in alphabetical ordre.",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - rica rickson",
"fixed2": "[handle] - time"
"1582905249464": {
"comment": "can be tested again. // update:\r\nsome were crossed because they don't really apply any more.",
"trace": "",
"score": "marked in the spell the absence or pause of breath when reading aloud.",
"loose": "tool",
"fixed1": "[tool] - absence",
"status": "unsure",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - holding spell"
"1582904199560": {
"comment": "Do",
"trace": "",
"score": "Highlighted all \"we\"s in warm colors. A stronger color was used (eg red instead of yellow) when \"we\"s was explicitly referring to a group, a circle, a community or to the practice of sharing rather that as a general \"we\".",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"status": "unsure",
"fixed2": "[handle] - we"
"1582905938626": {
"comment": "DU",
"trace": "",
"score": "Time and \"we\" are interwined. \r\n\"It takes time to work together\".",
"loose": "handle",
"fixed1": "[tool] - text",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - bozar group"
"1582902363469": {
"comment": "just two tools will be deployed: absence and text",
"trace": "",
"score": "To find around the text all wording related to recurrence and come up with a hypertext (free association)",
"loose": "tool",
"fixed1": "[handle] - time",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - collective conditions"
"1582902400413": {
"comment": "while looking for explicits \"hows\", I found a question on how, and instead of putting it in brackets only i underlined it in blue, in case someone wants to work with questions on how, instead of with affirmations of how-to.",
"trace": "",
"score": "blue-how-intro: in bblue brackets, all written info on method of Iterations settings.",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"status": "unsure",
"fixed2": "[handle] - how"
"1582905682853": {
"comment": "BU",
"trace": "",
"score": "what tools can we use to support each others? orange. \r\nWhat are the barriers to it? light blue.",
"loose": "contribution",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[handle] - how",
"fixed2": "[tool] - color"
"1582901748265": {
"comment": "{BT} - there are two papers.",
"trace": "",
"score": "Trace all the temporalities in the contribution as curves & text (phrases). They can be merged into one trace.",
"loose": "tool",
"status": "-",
"fixed1": "[contribution] - bozar group",
"fixed2": "[handle] - time",
"code": "{BT}"
"1582903448935": {
"comment": "code: money",
"trace": "",
"score": "green dots appear where money should be spend on",
"loose": "contribution",
"fixed1": "[tool] - color",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[handle] - how"
"1582909015015": {
"comment": "",
"trace": "",
"score": "finding along with the text places where magic is implicit",
"loose": "tool",
"fixed1": "[handle] - how",
"status": "-",
"fixed2": "[contribution] - holding spell"