# mastodon.api.prototype A mastodon api prototyping area, a Flask interface exploration to test toots in other environments. ### This prototype depends on ... * Mastodon.py (```$ pip3 install Mastodon.py```) * Flask (```$ pip3 install flask```) ### At the first time the script is running (and the mastodon api is used ...) Change the ```name``` and ```instance``` in the file ```api_register_app.py```. And run: ```$ python3 api_register_app.py``` ### To run it Change the ```api_base_url``` in ```interface.py``` to the instance that you want to use. And then ... ```$ python3 interface.py``` Browse to localhost:5000 :) ### More ... There are a couple of API tests in the ```mastodon_api_tests.py``` file. ### Preview ![](Screenshot\ from\ 2018-12-05\ 00-32-36.png)