exploring & testing reportlab to make PDFs with Python
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manetta d4762a36ee adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
.gitignore adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
StanleySmith-Broman.ttf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
cmunorm.ttf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
cmunoti.ttf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
exploring.pdf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
exploring.py adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
hello.pdf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
language.txt adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
make-multipaged-document-with-reportlab.py adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
make-pdf-with-reportlab.py adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
multipaged.pdf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
readme.md adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
reportlab-explorations.jpg adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
reportlab-userguide.pdf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
tutorial-logo.png adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
tutorial.pdf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
tutorial.py adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
tutorial2.pdf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
tutorial2.py adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
tutorial3.pdf adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前
tutorial3.py adding a couple of reportlab explorations 4 年前


Reportlab explorations

testing & exploring Reportlab to make PDFs with Python