/* The cover image is derived from Multi Remix, an Open Source and cross-platform interpretation by Winnie Soon and Geoff Cox of the software app Multi by David Reinfurt. Multi updates the idea of the multiple from industrial production to the dynamics of the information age. Each cover presents an iteration of a possible 1,728 arrangements, each a face built from minimal typographic furniture, and from the same source code. https://o-r-g.com/apps/multi https://aesthetic-programming.net/pages/2-variable-geometry.html */ /* --- Variable Geometry 1 (cover) --- */ /*Inspired by David Reinfurt's work - Multi*/ function setup() { var c = createCanvas(600, 600); c.parent('variable-geometry'); } function draw() { //left noStroke() fill(0); // x, y, w, h rect(77, 169, 100, 16); //right rect(395, 184, 32, 25); fill(0); beginShape(); vertex(395, 209); vertex(427, 209); vertex(407, 241); vertex(383, 241); endShape(CLOSE); //bottom noFill(); stroke(0); strokeWeight(8); ellipse(255, 400, 100, 100); }