import urllib.request import os import re import json import jinja2 STATIC_FOLDER_PATH = '.' # without trailing slash WRAPPING_TEMPLATES_DIR = './templates' # This uses a low quality copy of all the images # (using a folder with the name "images-small", # which stores a copy of all the images generated with: # $ mogrify -quality 5% -adaptive-resize 25% -remap pattern:gray50 * ) fast = False def API_request(url, pagename): """ url = API request url (string) data = { 'query': 'pages' : pageid : { 'links' : { '?' : '?' 'title' : 'pagename' } } } } """ response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() data = json.loads(response) # Save response as JSON to be able to inspect API call json_file = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ pagename }.json' print('Saving JSON:', json_file) with open(json_file, 'w') as out: out.write(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) out.close() return data def download_media(html, images, wiki): """ html = string (HTML) images = list of filenames (str) """ # check if 'images/' already exists if not os.path.exists(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images'): os.makedirs(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images') # download media files for filename in images: filename = filename.replace(' ', '_') # safe filenames # check if the image is already downloaded # if not, then download the file if not os.path.isfile(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images/{ filename }'): # first we search for the full filename of the image url = f'{ wiki }/api.php?action=query&list=allimages&aifrom={ filename }&format=json' response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() data = json.loads(response) # we select the first search result # (assuming that this is the image we are looking for) image = data['query']['allimages'][0] # then we download the image print(image) image_url = image['url'] image_filename = image['name'] print('Downloading:', image_filename) image_response = urllib.request.urlopen(image_url).read() # and we save it as a file image_path = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images/{ image_filename }' out = open(image_path, 'wb') out.write(image_response) out.close() import time time.sleep(3) # do not overload the server # replace src link image_path = f'/{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/images/{ filename }' # here the images need to link to the / of the domain, for flask :/// confusing! this breaks the whole idea to still be able to make a local copy of the file html = re.sub(rf'src="/book/images/.*{ filename }"', f'src="{ image_path }"', html) return html def insert_variable_geometry(html): vg = """ <script> /*Sketch.js from the Chapter Variable Geometry in Aesthetic Programming - A Handbook of Software Studies, by Winnie Soon & Geoff Cox (2020) -*/ /*Inspired by David Reinfurt's work - Multi*/ let moving_size = 50; let static_size = 20; function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); frameRate(15); } function draw() { //background background(230); //left noStroke() fill(0); rect(97, 169, 79, 12); //right rect(365, 184, 20, 15); fill(20, 20, 120); beginShape(); vertex(365, 199); vertex(385, 199); vertex(372, 216); vertex(358, 216); endShape(CLOSE); //bottom noFill(); stroke(130); strokeWeight(2); ellipse(255, 350, static_size, static_size); //mouse interactions stroke(180); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, moving_size, moving_size); if (mouseIsPressed) { static_size = floor(random(5, 20)); } } </script>""" html = html.replace("$multi", vg) return html def add_item_inventory_links(html): """ html = string (HTML) """ # Find all references in the text to the item index pattern = r'Item \d\d\d' matches = re.findall(pattern, html) index = {} new_html = '' from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize for line in sent_tokenize(html): for match in matches: if match in line: number = match.replace('Item ', '').strip() if not number in index: index[number] = [] count = 1 else: count = index[number][-1] + 1 index[number].append(count) item_id = f'ii-{ number }-{ index[number][-1] }' line = line.replace(match, f'Item <a id="{ item_id }" href="#Item_Index">{ number }</a>') # the line is pushed back to the new_html new_html += line + ' ' # Also add a <span> around the index nr to style it matches = re.findall(r'<li>\d\d\d', new_html) for match in matches: new_html = new_html.replace(match, f'<li><span class="item_nr">{ match }</span>') # import json # print(json.dumps(index, indent=4)) return new_html def clean_up(html): """ html = string (HTML) """ html = re.sub(r'\[.*edit.*\]', '', html) # remove the [edit] html = re.sub(r'href="/book/index.php\?title=', 'href="#', html) # remove the internal wiki links html = re.sub(r'[(?=\d)', '', html) # remove left footnote bracket [ html = re.sub(r'(?<=\d)]', '', html) # remove right footnote bracket ] return html def fast_loader(html): """ html = string (HTML) """ if fast == True: html = html.replace('/images/', '/images-small/') print('--- rendered in FAST mode ---') return html def parse_page(pagename, wiki): """ pagename = string html = string (HTML) """ parse = f'{ wiki }/api.php?action=parse&page={ pagename }&pst=True&format=json' data = API_request(parse, pagename) # print(json.dumps(data, indent=4)) if 'parse' in data: html = data['parse']['text']['*'] images = data['parse']['images'] html = download_media(html, images, wiki) html = clean_up(html) html = add_item_inventory_links(html) # html = insert_variable_geometry(html) html = fast_loader(html) else: html = None return html def save(html, pagename, publication_unfolded): """ html = string (HTML) pagename = string """ if html: # save final page that will be used with PagedJS template_file = open(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ WRAPPING_TEMPLATES_DIR }/template.html').read() template = jinja2.Template(template_file) html = template.render(publication_unfolded=publication_unfolded, title=pagename) html_file = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ pagename }.html' print('Saving HTML:', html_file) with open(html_file, 'w') as out: out.write(html) out.close() # save extra html page for debugging template_file = open(f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ WRAPPING_TEMPLATES_DIR }/template.inspect.html').read() template = jinja2.Template(template_file) html = template.render(publication_unfolded=publication_unfolded, title=pagename) html_file = f'{ STATIC_FOLDER_PATH }/{ pagename }.inspect.html' print('Saving HTML:', html_file) with open(html_file, 'w') as out: out.write(html) out.close() def update_material_now(pagename, wiki): """ pagename = string publication_unfolded = string (HTML) """ publication_unfolded = parse_page(pagename, wiki) return publication_unfolded # --- if __name__ == "__main__": wiki = '' # remove tail slash '/' pagename = 'Unfolded' publication_unfolded = update_material_now(pagename, wiki) # download the latest version of the page save(publication_unfolded, pagename, publication_unfolded) # save the page to file