# Tools used for Volumetric Regimes Before you can run these scripts, they will need to be made executable. chmod +x *.sh ## OSP-tools.pdfutils: `color_convert.sh` **Convert PDF RGB to only-Black** This will convert an RGB PDF (even if it appears only black) to `input-K.pdf`. ./color_convert.sh black input.pdf input-K.pdf Link: ## OSP-tools.pdfutils: `rgb2cmyk.sh` **Convert PDF from RGB to CMYK** Dependencies: - `gs` (Ghostscript) - `pdftops` - `control.txt` - `apple_to_jNP_photo.icc` - `apple_to_jNP_neutral.icc` This will convert a PDF to `input-cmyk.pdf`. Usage: ./rgb2cmyk.sh input.pdf Link: ## Custom VR tools: `make-images-bw.sh` Dependencies: - `imagemagick` This will create a copy of an image folder, with all images converted to BW. Usage: ./make-images-bw.sh ./images-folder/ ## Custom VR tools: `convert-to-PDFX-3-2002.sh` Dependencies: - `texlive-xetex` (xelatex) This will convert a PDF into the PDFX/3:2002 format + edit the PDF metadata. Edit PDF metadata: Open the xelatex template (`xelatex-PDFX-3-2002.template.tex`) and edit the metadata on line 7-12. Usage: convert-to-PDFX-3-2002.sh input.pdf output.pdf ## Other useful tools - Check metadata of PDF: `pdfinfo filename.pdf` - Check color space of PDF: `pdfimages -list filename.pdf`