diff --git a/content/2022/more-than-computational-EN.md b/content/2022/more-than-computational-EN.md
index 7a37c5bcd7..50402385ed 100644
--- a/content/2022/more-than-computational-EN.md
+++ b/content/2022/more-than-computational-EN.md
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ summary: In 2021, Ania Molenda and Andrea Prins contacted us about a project the
In 2021, Ania Molenda and Andrea Prins contacted us about a project they are doing called Beyond The Essay, where they are researching forms of online reading and writing with a specific focus on the essay in the field of architecture critique. After they conducted a range of interviews with publishers in the field, such as Valiz, Archis, Archinet, Torque, BPR Barcelona, Institute of Network Cultures and Framer Framed, we started a conversation on publishing tools and methods. Within our meetings we narrowed the scope down to the research question: how can publishing tools and methods be a support system for critical reflection and engagement?
In Varia's practice of collective infrastructure making, we often consider the sociality that is inherent within tool making and tool using. Open ended systems and extensible structures allow us to weave processes with each other and with others by adapting, extending, and transforming them. Within the Beyond the Essay meetings, we proposed three methods to engage with text in collective situations that respond to existing computational artefacts, namely tags (`__MAGICWORDS__`), indexing formats (`x-dexing`) and word2vec (`word2complex`). All of which end up structuring the circulation and writing and reading experience of readers, writers and publishers alike. How do we process essays differently from these perspectives? How can other forms of computing make space for a reconsideration of textual engagements?