**Lídia Pereira** (<http://immateriallaborunion.net/>) is an independent designer, artist and researcher based in Rotterdam, NL. Current interests revolve around the political organisation of labour in corporate social networking platforms and working class identity within networked economies, presenting a focus on the power structures governing online and offline behaviour.
**Lídia Pereira** (<http://immateriallaborunion.net/>) is an independent designer, artist and researcher based in Rotterdam, NL. Current interests revolve around the political organisation of labour in corporate social networking platforms and working class identity within networked economies, presenting a focus on the power structures governing online and offline behaviour.
**Silvio Lorusso** (<http://networkcultures.org/entreprecariat/>) is a designer without qualities, an artist without a gallery and a writer without spell checker.
**Silvio Lorusso** (<http://networkcultures.org/entreprecariat/>) is a designer without qualities, an artist without a gallery and a writer without spell checker.
*varia* is a Rotterdam based initiative is focused on working [with, about and through technology](/en/category/projects.html). At its core the initiative aims to be a [social infrastructure](/en/pages/about.html) from which to collaboratively facillitate [critical understandings](/en/category/curriculum.html) on the technologies that surround us. The initiative is a membership-based organisation striving to become a space for questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. Keep an eye on the agenda for [upcoming events](/en/).
<!-- ![](/images/varia.png) ![](/images/varia-again.png) -->*varia* is a Rotterdam based initiative is focused on working [with, about and through technology](/en/category/projects.html). At its core the initiative aims to be a [social infrastructure](/en/pages/about.html) from which to collaboratively facillitate [critical understandings](/en/category/curriculum.html) on the technologies that surround us. The initiative is a membership-based organisation striving to become a space for questions, opinions, modifications, help and action. Keep an eye on the agenda for [upcoming events](/en/).
*varia* is een collectief initiatief met een ruimte in Rotterdam dat zich richt op werk [aan, met en door technologie](/category/projects.html). In de kern wil dit initiatief een [sociale infrastructuur](/pages/about.html) vormen van waaruit men gezamelijk [een kritische relatie](/category/curriculum.html) tot de technologie van alledag aangaat. Op basis van een lidmaatschapsmodel wil ze een ruimte bieden voor vragen, meningen, ingrepen, hulp en actie. Houd de agenda in de gaten voor [aankomende evenementen](/).
<!-- ![](/images/varia.png) ![](/images/varia-again.png) -->*varia* is een collectief initiatief met een ruimte in Rotterdam dat zich richt op werk [aan, met en door technologie](/category/projects.html). In de kern wil dit initiatief een [sociale infrastructuur](/pages/about.html) vormen van waaruit men gezamelijk [een kritische relatie](/category/curriculum.html) tot de technologie van alledag aangaat. Op basis van een lidmaatschapsmodel wil ze een ruimte bieden voor vragen, meningen, ingrepen, hulp en actie. Houd de agenda in de gaten voor [aankomende evenementen](/).
summary: In january of 2018 a discussion on [Nettime](https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1801/msg00045.html) took place on the question what next steps for social media critique could be. As criticism of large social media platforms becomes increasingly commonplace in popular media and even from within Silicon Valley itself, the discussion centered around the question of what the role of critical communities like nettime could be. Since the discussion missed some context on recent developments from the non-GAFA/Free Software developments in this field media I've replied with some comments.
In january of 2018 a discussion on [Nettime](https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1801/msg00045.html) took place on the question what next steps for social media critique could be. As criticism of large social media platforms becomes increasingly commonplace in popular media and even from within Silicon Valley itself, the discussion centered around the question of what the role of critical communities like nettime could be. Since the discussion missed some context on recent developments from the non-GAFA[ref]Google/Amazon/Facebook/Apple[/ref]/Free Software developments in this field media I've replied with some comments.
In january of 2018 a discussion on [Nettime](https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1801/msg00045.html) took place on the question what next steps for social media critique could be. As criticism of large social media platforms becomes increasingly commonplace in popular media and even from within Silicon Valley itself, the discussion centered around the question of what the role of critical communities like nettime could be. Since the discussion missed some context on recent developments from the non-GAFA[ref]Google/Amazon/Facebook/Apple[/ref]/Free Software developments in this field media I've replied with some comments.
> This is in the end what Silicon Valley tries to prevent at all cost:
> This is in the end what Silicon Valley tries to prevent at all cost:
> resistance and exodus. How can such a momentum be unleashed?
> resistance and exodus. How can such a momentum be unleashed?