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70 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Pelican Inline Markdown Extension
An extension for the Python Markdown module that enables
the Pelican Python static site generator to add inline patterns.
import markdown
import re
from markdown.util import etree
from markdown.util import AtomicString
class PelicanInlineMarkdownExtensionPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
"""Inline Markdown processing"""
def __init__(self, pelican_markdown_extension, tag, pattern):
self.tag = tag
self.config = pelican_markdown_extension.getConfig('config')
def handleMatch(self, m):
node = markdown.util.etree.Element(self.tag)
tag_attributes = self.config.get('prefix'), ('', 'pelican-inline'))
tag_class = 'pelican-inline' # default class
tag_style = '' # default is for no styling
if isinstance(tag_attributes, tuple):
tag_style = tag_attributes[0]
tag_class = tag_attributes[1] if len(tag_attributes) > 1 else ''
elif isinstance(tag_attributes, basestring):
tag_class = tag_attributes
if tag_class != '':
node.set('class', tag_class)
if tag_style!= '':
node.set('style', tag_style)
node.text = markdown.util.AtomicString('text'))
return node
class PelicanInlineMarkdownExtension(markdown.Extension):
"""A Markdown extension enabling processing in Markdown for Pelican"""
def __init__(self, config):
# Needed for Markdown versions >= 2.5
self.config['config'] = ['{}', 'config for markdown extension']
except AttributeError:
# Markdown versions < 2.5
config['config'] = [config['config'], 'config for markdown extension']
super(PelicanInlineMarkdownExtension, self).__init__(config)
def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
# Regex to detect mathjax
config = self.getConfig('config')
patterns = []
# The following mathjax settings can be set via the settings dictionary
for key in config:
inline_regex = r'(?P<prefix>%s)(?P<text>.+?)\2' % ('|'.join(patterns))
# Process after escapes
md.inlinePatterns.add('texthighlight_inlined', PelicanInlineMarkdownExtensionPattern(self, 'span', inline_regex), '>emphasis2')