#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- """ BC (Border-Check) is a tool to retrieve info of traceroute tests over website navigation routes. GPLv3 - 2013 by psy (epsylon@riseup.net) """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class xml_reporting(object): """ Print results from a traceroute in an XML fashion """ def __init__(self, bc): # initialize main BC self.instance = bc def print_xml_results(self, filename): root = ET.Element("travel") i = 1 for i in self.instance.result_list: hop = ET.SubElement(root, "hop") host = ET.SubElement(hop, "host") hop_ip = ET.SubElement(hop, "hop_ip") longitude = ET.SubElement(hop, "longitude") latitude = ET.SubElement(hop, "latitude") city = ET.SubElement(hop, "city") country = ET.SubElement(hop, "country") server_name = ET.SubElement(hop, "server_name") asn = ET.SubElement(hop, "asn") timestamp = ET.SubElement(hop, "timestamp") meta = ET.SubElement(hop, "meta") hop.text = str(i['hop_count']) host.text = i['destination_ip'] hop_ip.text = i['hop_ip'] longitude.text = i['longitude'] latitude.text = i['latitude'] city.text = i['city'] country.text = i['country'] server_name.text = i['server_name'] asn.text = i['asn'] timestamp.text = i['timestamp'] meta.text = "Connect here XML metadata" tree = ET.ElementTree(root) tree.write(filename)