#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- import sqlite3, os, filecmp def Chrome_History_Hack(history_path): # A hack to deal with the fact that Chrome puts an exclusive lock on the history database # It copies the history database and accesses that instead of the locked file. # Afterwards the database copy is removed. a = history_path+'Copy' if os.path.exists(a): if filecmp.cmp(history_path, a) == False: os.system('rm '+a) os.system('cp "'+history_path+'" "'+a+'"') else: os.system('cp "'+history_path+'" "'+a+'"') conn = sqlite3.connect(a) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('select urls.url, urls.last_visit_time FROM urls ORDER BY urls.last_visit_time DESC') url = c.fetchone() os.system('rm "'+a+'"') return url[0] #print Chrome_History_Hack(chromium_osx)