window.onload = function () { index = 0 var map ='map',{ minZoom: 2, maxZoom:6, }).setView(latlong[index], 5); L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' }).addTo(map); //the slider bar $('#button').bind('click', function(){ $('#bar').animate({"width": '200'}) var info = $("

this is where info goes

I will make a 'slide back' option later

") .appendTo("#bar") console.log('click') }) $('#but').bind('click', function(){ console.log('click') $('.leaflet-popup-content-wrapper').css({'height':'700px'}) $('#metadata-content').show() }) //function chain for drawing the markers and lines on the map. delay = (400+timestamp_list[index]) clusterGroup = new L.MarkerClusterGroup(); AddStep(latlong[index], latlong[index+1], index) function AddMarkerCluster(marker, index){ clusterGroup.addLayer(marker) } function AddMarker(src, index){ var marker = L.marker([src[0], src[1]]) var popup = L.Popup({ maxHeight: 50}) var popupcontent = "

Hop no:"+hop_list[index]+"

Server name:
Network owner:
" marker.bindPopup(popupcontent) //marker.addTo(map).openPopup() $('#metadata-content').hide() AddMarkerCluster(marker) map.addLayer(clusterGroup) } function AddStep(src, dest, index){ var b = new R.BezierAnim([src, dest], {}) map.addLayer(b) AddMarker(src, index) processStep(index) //console.log(delay) } function processStep (index) { map.panTo(latlong[index]); if (index < counter_max-2) { //console.log('hop#', hop_list[index]) changeFavicon('js/world/'+country_code_list[index]+'.png') window.setTimeout(function () { AddStep(latlong[index], latlong[index+1], index) }, delay);} else if (index < counter_max-1){ //console.log('hop#', hop_list[index]) changeFavicon('js/world/'+country_code_list[index]+'.png') window.setTimeout(function () { AddStep(latlong[index], latlong[index], index) }, delay);} else if (index = counter_max-1){ changeFavicon('js/world/'+country_code_list[index]+'.png') //console.log('fin') //map.fitBounds([bounds]) } index = index + 1 delay = (400 + timestamp_list[index]) } $('.leaflet-marker-icon').bind('click', function(){ console.log('clickkkk') }) };