doing applied fediverse research
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# directorate for applied fediverse research
* independently tries to verify fediverse statistics
* draws conclusions from that
## methodology
Currently the script starts from <> and queries `/api/v1/instance/peers` to find servers it is peering with. For each of the peering servers it hasn't seen before it does the same and in addition it tries to query `/api/v1/instance` for meta data.
This method is a bit lacking because providing `/api/v1/instance` is voluntary and specific to later versions of mastodon/activitypub fediverse. We should study the methodology of []( for better results.
When the request fails on a given instance it just logs it as 'error' now.
Latest scrape results can be found in `instance_scrape.json`
* add detailed error message to json when we get one
* ~~abstract the functions so we can multithread them~~
* find a way to also scrape for instances that don't announce themselves