# distribusi-go > This is still very experimental, please take a backup of your archives if you > are running it on files you care about. It hasn't been tested on large > archives. There are probably some pretty bad bugs lurking in there. It may > still thrash files. Please [report issues] as you find them :100: Thanks for > testing! A [Go] implementation of [distribusi]. If you're migrating from the Python version or have experience using it, here are the differences in `distribusi-go`: - It's simpler to install on your computer, just download the binary, `chmod +x` and run it :100: - There is no need to install [Pillow] for handling images, that is now built-in. The only external dependency is [exiftool] for image captions from embedded metadata. If you don't have `exiftool` installed, then it gracefully skips that feature. So, you don't need to install anything else to run `distribusi` now :pray: - The command-line interface is quite different. There are less optional flags and more defaults. I shuffled a number of things around according to my preferences (open to changes, please [open a ticket]). For example, I always like my images to be thumbnail'd. There's a handy web server built-in now, just run with `-s` :metal: ## Install :champagne: `distribusi-go` has enterprise cross-platform support! :champagne: If your platform isn't listed below, please see [the entire listing]. If you can't find it there, we can probably add support for it (see `$GOOS`/`$GOARCH` [on go.dev]), please [open a ticket]. Package manager installation methods are planned for Some Time Soon :tm: (e.g. `apt install distribusi`, see [this ticket] to track) ### GNU/Linux
GNU/Linux (amd64)
curl https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/0.1.0-alpha/distribusi_linux_amd64/distribusi -o distribusi
chmod +x distribusi
./distribusi -h # check things work
GNU/Linux (386)
curl https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/0.1.0-alpha/distribusi_linux_386/distribusi -o distribusi
chmod +x distribusi
./distribusi -h # check things work
GNU/Linux (arm64)
curl https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/0.1.0-alpha/distribusi_linux_arm64/distribusi -o distribusi
chmod +x distribusi
./distribusi -h # check things work
### Mac OS X
Mac OS X (amd64)
curl https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/0.1.0-alpha/distribusi_darwin_amd64/distribusi -o distribusi
chmod +x distribusi
./distribusi -h # check things work
Mac OS X (arm64)
curl https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/0.1.0-alpha/distribusi_darwin_arm64/distribusi -o distribusi
chmod +x distribusi
./distribusi -h # check things work
### Windows
Windows (amd64) I've no idea how you even install this on Windoze! Maybe you can help by sending a documentation patch? :pray: > https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/0.1.0-alpha/distribusi_windows_amd64/distribusi.exe
Windows (386) I've no idea how you even install this on Windoze! Maybe you can help by sending a documentation patch? :pray: > https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/0.1.0-alpha/distribusi_windows_386/distribusi.exe
## Quick start Run `distribusi-go` on `` and serve it locally for viewing: ```bash ./distribusi -p -s ``` If you want to ignore certain paths, you can use `-i/--ignore`: ```bash ./distribusi -p -s -i '*.gif, *.md, mydir' ``` It supports a list of patterns in a comma separated list, wildcards work, more [on pkg.go.dev]. If you run into issues, run with `-d/--debug`. All debug logs are stored in a time stamped log file under `/tmp/`. ```bash ls /tmp/ | grep -i distribusi distribusi-go-20-25-492637114356 ``` If you have SSH access to a server, you can publish your files with `-P/--publish`. It works just like [scp] does: ``` ./distribusi -p -P : ``` See [this short guide](#ssh-guide-for-p-publish) for help with SSH issues. :v: ## Hacking You'll need [Go] >= 1.11 installed. Run `make` to build a new `./distribusi` executable. If you wanna learn Go, I've got [this book], feel free to take a loan of it :grinning: ## Release Currently, you have to be `@decentral1se` to do this: ```bash git tag VERSION= make release ``` You can build a local-only release by running this: ```bash goreleaser release --snapshot --rm-dist ``` Binaries are in `dist/`. ## Acknowledgements [`AUTHORS.md`](./AUTHORS.md) ## License ![](https://www.gnu.org/graphics/gplv3-or-later.png) [`LICENSE`](./LICENSE) ## Tips ### SSH guide for `-P/--publish` If you already know & use `scp` then `-P/--publish` should Just Work :tm: If not, read on for some tips on how to configure your SSH client to help `distribusi-go` make SSH connections successfully. The simplest way to make sure `distribusi` can make an SSH connection with your server is to match a `~/.ssh/config` entry with the `-P :...` server value you pass on the command-line. If you want to run `./distribusi -p -P varia.zone:/var/www/`, then a matching `~/.ssh/config` entry might look like this: ```ssh Host varia.zone Hostname varia.zone User decentral1se Port 22 IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ ``` This tells `distribusi-go` everything it needs to know to make a successful SSH connection. Run with `-d/--debug` for extra help figuring out what connection details are being used. If you have a secret protected SSH key then make sure you've got a running `ssh-agent` and have added the key with the following: ``` eval $(ssh-agent -k) ssh-add ~/.ssh/ ssh-add -L # see loaded keys ``` [Go]: https://go.dev [Pillow]: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation.html#external-libraries [distribusi]: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/varia/distribusi [exiftool]: https://exiftool.org/ [on go.dev]: https://go.dev/doc/install/source#environment [on pkg.go.dev]: https://pkg.go.dev/path/filepath#Match [open a ticket]: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/distribusi-go/issues/new/choose [report issues]: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/distribusi-go/issues/new/choose [the entire listing]: https://vvvvvvaria.org/~decentral1se/distribusi-go/ [this book]: https://www.gopl.io/ [this ticket]: https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/distribusi-go/issues/1 [scp]: https://linux.die.net/man/1/scp