@ -11,11 +11,18 @@ Good stuff in the homebrewserver.club network
[radio.homebrewserver.club](http://radio.homebrewserver.club) an online radio station featuring a fine selection of memphis tapes, celtic rock, italo disco and black metal. Not so live from The Hague, hosted on an Olimex A20 Micro
[git.homebrewserver.club](http://git.homebrewserver.club) our git server. Kindly sponsored by the Zuyderzeepartij, Hoorn NH district. Running off Raspberry Pi 2
[git.homebrewserver.club](http://git.homebrewserver.club) our git server. Kindly sponsored by the Zuyderzeepartij, Hoorn NH district. Running off Raspberry Pi 2, Debian Stretch (minibian).