@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ Date: 2016-5-14 |
Category: log |
Category: log |
Tags: try-out |
Tags: try-out |
Slug: the-template-post |
Slug: the-template-post |
Summary: Write a tweet-lenght summary for syndication across social media |
Summary: If you write a summary that is the only text that shows up on the main index. Otherwise pelican takes the first few paragraphs. |
Description: Write a tweet length description for OG tags that are displayed on social media. |
featured_image: https://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/02/26/world/26NKOREA3/26NKOREA3-articleLarge.jpg |
featured_image: https://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/02/26/world/26NKOREA3/26NKOREA3-articleLarge.jpg |
This is a template you can use with a short description of some of the syntax. |
This is a template you can use with a short description of some of the syntax. |
@ -26,6 +27,12 @@ headlines |
smaller headlines? |
smaller headlines? |
--- |
--- |
#H1 |
##H2 |
###H3 |
code blocks: |
code blocks: |
:::console |
:::console |
@ -40,7 +47,6 @@ python |
line numbers |
line numbers |
#!python |
#!python |
print("line1") |
print("line1") |