7 years ago
3 changed files with 244 additions and 3 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ |
Title: Configuring an XMPP server for secure, mobile instant messaging |
Date: 2018-1-09 |
Category: xmpp |
Tags: xmpp, chat, guide, instant messaging, prosody |
Slug: configuring-a-modern-xmpp-server |
Description: Hands-on step-by-step guide that shows how to configure Prosody 0.10 for security, mobile messaging and ease of use. |
This is a guide to set up a modern XMPP server focused on security and mobile messaging. The whole guide assumes Debian stable running on the server, the fact that you will end up hosting a few of your friends and that you have some basic skills working on a linux command line. |
To make your server communicate make sure following ports are open in your firewall: |
:::console |
5222 (for client to server) |
5269 (server to server) |
5280 (default http port for prosody) |
5281 (default https port for prosody) |
Enabling HTTPS |
--- |
First we acquire a signed HTTPS-certificate via Let's Encrypt: |
This is among others required for Gajim plugins to work properly; self-generated certs will not work. |
Install Certbot and get new certificates for your domain (replace myserver.org with your own): |
:::console |
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install certbot |
certbot certonly -d muc.myserver.org -d dump.myserver.org -d myserver.org |
Should you succeed, you will be able to read something like: |
:::console |
Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at |
/etc/letsencrypt/live/myserver.org/fullchain.pem. Your cert will |
expire on 2018-01-13. To obtain a new or tweaked version of this |
certificate in the future, simply run certbot-auto again. To |
non-interactively renew *all* of your certificates, run |
"certbot-auto renew" |
Take note of the path where the certificate is stored as we will use it later. |
Installing and setting up MySQL as a storage back-end |
--- |
First update your repositories and install MySQL |
:::console |
apt-get update && apt-get install mysql-server |
Run mysql as the root user: |
:::console |
mysql -u root -p |
In mysql: |
:::console |
mysql> create database prosody; |
mysql> show databases; |
Result should be something like: |
:::console |
+--------------------+ |
| Database | |
+--------------------+ |
| information_schema | |
| mysql | |
| performance_schema | |
| prosody | |
+--------------------+ |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec) |
Create a database account for prosody |
:::console |
mysql> create user prosody; |
Give the user prosody the rights to access the database, make sure to change the password and take note of it |
:::console |
mysql> grant all on prosody.* to 'prosody'@'localhost' identified by 'userPassword'; |
Exit mysql: |
:::console |
exit; |
Installing and configuring Prosody, the XMPP server |
--- |
Install the newest version of Prosody and its dependencies from the official prosody repository: |
:::console |
echo deb http://packages.prosody.im/debian $(lsb_release -sc) main | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list |
wget https://prosody.im/files/prosody-debian-packages.key -O- | sudo apt-key add - |
sudo apt get update && apt-get install prosody lua-dbi-mysql lua-zlib lua-sec |
Add the Let's Encrypt Certificates to Prosody and make sure Prosody can use them |
:::console |
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/myserver.org/*.pem /etc/prosody/certs/ |
Make sure the certificates are owned by prosody and legible only by root: |
:::console |
chown -R prosody:prosody /etc/prosody/ |
chmod -R 700 /etc/prosody/certs/ |
Install the newest prosody plugins: |
:::console |
apt-get install mercurial |
cd /usr/src |
hg clone https://hg.prosody.im/prosody-modules/ prosody-modules |
Make a backup of the default prosody configuration and install [the one by the homebrewserver.club](https://homebrewserver.club/downloads/prosody.cfg.lua) |
:::console |
cd /etc/prosody |
cp prosody.cfg.lua prosody.cfg.lua.original |
wget https://homebrewserver.club/downloads/prosody.cfg.lua |
The homebrewserver.club prosody config: |
:::console |
-- a custom prosody config focused on high security and ease of use across (mobile) clients |
-- provided to you by the homebrewserver.club |
-- the original config file (prosody.cfg.lua.original) will have more information |
plugin_paths = { "/usr/src/prosody-modules" } -- non-standard plugin path so we can keep them up to date with mercurial |
modules_enabled = { |
"roster"; -- Allow users to have a roster. Recommended ;) |
"saslauth"; -- Authentication for clients and servers. Recommended if you want to log in. |
"tls"; -- Add support for secure TLS on c2s/s2s connections |
"dialback"; -- s2s dialback support |
"disco"; -- Service discovery |
"posix"; -- POSIX functionality, sends server to background, enables syslog, etc. |
"private"; -- Private XML storage (for room bookmarks, etc.) |
"vcard"; -- Allow users to set vCards |
"version"; -- Replies to server version requests |
"uptime"; -- Report how long server has been running |
"time"; -- Let others know the time here on this server |
"ping"; -- Replies to XMPP pings with pongs |
"register"; --Allows clients to register an account on your server |
"pep"; -- Enables users to publish their mood, activity, playing music and more |
"carbons"; -- XEP-0280: Message Carbons, synchronize messages accross devices |
"smacks"; -- XEP-0198: Stream Management, keep chatting even when the network drops for a few seconds |
"mam"; -- XEP-0313: Message Archive Management, allows to retrieve chat history from server |
"csi"; -- XEP-0352: Client State Indication |
"http"; -- mod_http needed for XEP-363 |
"admin_adhoc"; -- Allows administration via an XMPP client that supports ad-hoc commands |
"blocklist"; -- XEP-0191 blocking of users |
--"cloud_notify"; -- Support for XEP-0357 Push Notifications for compatibility with ChatSecure/iOS. |
-- iOS typically end the connection when an app runs in the background and requires use of Apple's Push servers to wake up and receive a message. Enabling this module allows your server to do that for your contacts on iOS. |
-- However we leave it commented out as it is another example of vertically integrated cloud platforms at odds with federation, with all the meta-data-based surveillance consequences that that might have. |
"omemo_all_access"; -- Allow for OMEMO E2E between contacts that haven't added each other |
"pep_vcard_avatar"; -- use XEP-0153: vCard-Based Avatars to see the avatars of clients that use XEP-0084: User Avatar and vice versa. |
}; |
allow_registration = false; -- Enable to allow people to register accounts on your server from their clients, for more information see http://prosody.im/doc/creating_accounts |
-- These are the SSL/TLS-related settings. |
ssl = { |
certificate = "/etc/prosody/certs/fullchain.pem"; |
key = "/etc/prosody/certs/privkey.pem"; |
} |
c2s_require_encryption = true -- Force clients to use encrypted connections |
-- Force certificate authentication for server-to-server connections? |
-- This provides ideal security, but requires servers you communicate |
-- with to support encryption AND present valid, trusted certificates. |
-- NOTE: Your version of LuaSec must support certificate verification! |
-- For more information see http://prosody.im/doc/s2s#security |
s2s_secure_auth = false |
pidfile = "/var/run/prosody/prosody.pid" |
authentication = "internal_hashed" |
storage = "sql" |
-- Make sure to change the password |
sql = { driver = "MySQL", database = "prosody", username = "prosody", password = "userPassword", host = "localhost" } |
log = { |
info = "/var/log/prosody/prosody.log"; -- Change 'info' to 'debug' for verbose logging |
error = "/var/log/prosody/prosody.err"; |
"*syslog"; |
} |
VirtualHost "myserver.org" |
-- Enable http_upload to allow image sharing across multiple devices and clients |
Component "dump.myserver.org" "http_upload" |
---Set up a MUC (multi-user chat) room server on conference.example.com: |
Component "muc.myserver.org" "muc" |
Replace all instances of the placeholder domain name and passwords in the config file with your own: |
:::console |
sed -i 's/myserver.org/yourdomain.net/g' prosody.cfg.lua && sed -i 's/userPassword/yourownpassword/g' prosody.cfg.lua |
Alternatively you can change them by hand. They are on line 62, 70, 73, 76 of prosody.cfg.lua |
Finishing up |
--- |
After you've set up all of the above it is time to start the server: |
:::console |
/etc/init.d/prosody restart |
Users can be added from the command line, you will also be prompted for a password: |
:::console |
prosodyctl adduser me@myserver.org |
Alternatively you can change "allow_registration = false;" to "allow_registration = true;" in the config (line 35) to allow users to register accounts on your server via their clients. |
Now you can try connecting to your own server by using a client like Gajim or Conversations. Login with the above configured username and password. |
If you have questions about Prosody, the project's [documentation](http://prosody.im/doc) is quite good. If you can't find answers there, try contacting prosody developers and users directly via [the Prosody XMPP chatroom](xmpp://prosody.conference.prosody.im?join) |
This guide is a companion to our article [Have You Considered The Alternative?](http://homebrewserver.club/have-you-considered-the-alternative.html) on instant messaging. Also check out our guide on [XMPP clients](http://homebrewserver.club/picking-modern-xmpp-clients.html). |
**edit 9th of january 2018** |
updated config for new debian stable and prosody 0.10 |
Reference in new issue