Title: This is a template for a post Date: 2016-5-14 Category: log Tags: try-out Slug: the-template-post Summary: If you write a summary that is the only text that shows up on the main index. Otherwise pelican takes the first few paragraphs. Description: Write a tweet length description for OG tags that are displayed on social media. featured_image: https://cdn1.nyt.com/images/2017/02/26/world/26NKOREA3/26NKOREA3-articleLarge.jpg This is a template you can use with a short description of some of the syntax. **bold** *italics* images: ![image description]({filename}images/myimage.png) urls: [http://homebrewserver.club/](This is our webpage) references in text: hello I need to be referenced[ref] this creates a numbered list at the bottom of the page, not bad no? it can be styles in the [css](http://homebrewserver.club/theme/css/main.css) by addressing the class simple-footnotes[/ref] headlines -- smaller headlines? --- #H1 ##H2 ###H3 code blocks: :::console echo "for general console commands" python :::python a = "python" print "also for" for i in a: print i line numbers #!python print("line1")