#!/usr/bin/env python2 # tool to convert texts to images. needs an SVG as a template. See line 16 # (c) roel roscam abbing 2018 # gplv3 import os,base64,sys count = 1 svg = open(sys.argv[1]).read() text = open(sys.argv[2]).read() if not os.path.exists('output'): os.mkdir('output') for sentence in text.split('\n'): files = [] for word in sentence.split(' '): fn = 'output/{}.svg'.format(base64.urlsafe_b64encode(word)) with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write(svg.replace('$what$', word)) files.append(fn) if sentence: try: of = 'output/{}.gif'.format(str(count).zfill(3)) command = "convert -delay 1 -alpha set -dispose previous {} {}".format(" ".join(files),of) print(command) os.system(command) count+=1 except: print('skipped', sentence) pass os.system('rm {}'.format(' '.join(files)))