Turns calendar events in to HUGO posts. Lumbung-interlokal members can use it to schedule events from a shared calendar and have them appear as event announcements on lumbung.space
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#lumbung.space calendar feed generator
#© 2021 roel roscam abbing gplv3 etc
from ics import Calendar
import requests
import jinja2
import os
from slugify import slugify
from natural import date
from event_feed_config import calendar_url, output_dir
cal = Calendar(requests.get(calendar_url).text)
env = jinja2.Environment(
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
template = env.get_template('event_template.md')
existing_posts = os.listdir(output_dir)
# Dates need to be displayed for the various TZs
# 3 PM Kassel, Germany, 4 PM Ramallah/Jerusalem, Palestina (QoF),
# 8 AM Bogota, Colombia (MaMa), 8 PM Jakarta, Indonesia (Gudskul),
# 1 PM (+1day) Wellington, New Zealand (Fafswag), 9 AM Havana, Cuba (Instar).
tzs = [
('Bamako', 'Europe/London'),
('Wellington', 'Pacific/Auckland')
for event in list(cal.events):
localized_begins =[]
for i in tzs:
localized_begins.append( #javascript formatting because of string creation from hell
'__{}__ {}'.format(
str(event.begin.to(i[1]).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"))
event_metadata = {
'description': event.description,
'begin': '        '.join(localized_begins), #non-breaking space characters to defeat markdown
'end': event.end.format(),
'duration': date.compress(event.duration),
'location': event.location
#FIXME: There is no deletion logic
#FIXME: figure out how to use legible yet unique post names
#FIXME: An update logic?
post_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, slugify(event.name)) + '-' + slugify(event.begin.format("YYYY-MM-DD"))
if not os.path.exists(post_dir):
with open(os.path.join(post_dir,'index.md'),'w') as f:
post = template.render(event = event_metadata)