import socket, os, time, select, urllib, sys
class Meshenger:
devices = [] #the list of all the nodes this this node has seen
serve_port = 13338
announce_port = 13337
#own_ip = ""
msg_dir = os.path.relpath('msg/')
def __init__(self):
os.system("echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/br-lan/disable_ipv6")
self.own_ip = self.get_ip_adress()
#self.own_ip = ""
while True:
print 'discovering devices'
if len(self.devices) > 0:
print 'found', len(self.devices),'device(s) retreiving indices'
for device in self.devices:
nodepath = self.ip_to_hash(device)
self.get_index(device, nodepath)
self.get_messages(device, nodepath)
print 'updating own index'
def announce(self):
Announce the node's existance to other nodes
#announces it's existance to other nodes
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
sock.sendto(bericht, ("ff02::1", self.announce_port))
def discover(self):
Discover other devices by listening to the Meshenger announce port
bufferSize = 1024 # whatever you need
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
s.bind(('::', self.announce_port))
#global devices
while True:
result = select.select([s],[],[])[0][0].recvfrom(bufferSize)
if result[1][0] not in self.devices and result[1][0] != self.own_ip:
def serve(self):
a = ''
# serves both the index and the messages on the node over http
# plus manages the client-side web interface
def build_index(self):
Make an index file of all the messages present on the node.
Save the time of the last update.
previous_index = []
current_index = os.listdir(self.msg_dir)
if current_index != previous_index:
with open('index', 'wb') as index:
for message in os.listdir(self.msg_dir):
with open('index_last_update', 'wb') as indexupdate:
current_index = previous_index
def get_index(self,ip, path):
Download the indices from other nodes.
os.system('wget http://['+ip+'%adhoc0]:13338/index -O '+os.path.join(path,'index'))
def get_messages(self, ip, path):
Get new messages from other node based on it's index file
with open(os.path.join(path,'index')) as index:
index = index.read().split('\n')
for message in index:
messagepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.msg_dir), message)
if not os.path.exists(messagepath):
print 'downloading', message, 'to', messagepath
os.system('wget http://['+ip+'%adhoc0]:13338/msg/'+message+' -O '+messagepath)
def ip_to_hash(self, ip):
Convert a node's ip into a hash and make a directory to store it's files
import hashlib
hasj = hashlib.md5(ip).hexdigest()
nodepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('nodes/'), hasj)
if not os.path.exists(nodepath):
return nodepath
def clientsite(self):
a = ''
def get_ip_adress(self):
Hack to adhoc0's inet6 adress
if not os.path.isfile('interfaceip6adress'):
os.system('ifconfig -a adhoc0 | grep inet6 > interfaceip6adress')
with open('interfaceip6adress', 'r') as a:
return a.read().split()[2].split('/')[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "test"
meshenger = Meshenger()