meshenger ========= Meshenger is a Forban-inspired messaging software used for a speculative broadcast communication project. The starting point is an electronic messaging system running on a wireless mesh network. The messages propagate through the network when devices that come in contact with each other synchronize their content. It is non-hierarchical, every node receives, relays and broadcasts messages. Using Meshenger, devices detect each other by continously broadcasting an identifier packet while listening to those of other nodes. As soon as two (or more) nodes detect each other they will try to synchronize the messages on each node. The users of the network can interface with the nodes to send or receive messages by using the webbrowser of their smartphone or computer. The messages can be received and sent at any time, but they are only synchronized in the network when other nodes are encountered. Meshenger is supposed to run on an Open-WRT router that has been configured to work in mesh networks (for a configuration how-to see below). ## Configuring a router for Open-WRT and Meshenger ### Flashing and preparing Meshenger requires routers that both support Open-WRT and *have at least one USB port* [(List of Open-WRT routers here)]( We have used the following models: TP-Link MR-3020, TP-Link TP-WR703n and TP-WR842nd. Open-WRT have a guide for each supported device that tells how to best flash your specific device with Open-WRT. [(Article on flashing)]( After flashing proceed through the first login as described [here.]( You are going to need to have an internet connection to your router, the easiest thing is to hook it up to the router. Alternatively if you use OSX you can enable internet sharing (make sure to set your OSX machine as the gateway and DNS server for your router in /etc/config/network) ### System configuration To use your router for Meshenger you're going to need to run the whole filesystem from a USB-Drive. Make sure that said USB-Drive is formatted as such: - one ext4 partition - one linux-swap partition (32mb seems to be sufficient so far) Next enable USB-Storage on the router: `$ opkg update` `$ opkg install 'block-mount kmod-usb-storage kmod-usb2 kmod-fs-ext4` To check if it works try `$ ls /dev/`. You shoud see sda, sda1 and sda2 Now mount the USB-Drive: `$ mkdir /mnt/sda1` `$ mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1` Copy the whole filesystem to the USB-Drive: `$ mkdir -p /tmp/cproot` `$ mount --bind / /tmp/cproot` `$ tar -C /tmp/cproot -cvf - . | tar -C /mnt/sda1 -xf -` `$ umount /tmp/cproot` Edit fstab `$ vi /etc/config/fstab` Make config mount look like: ``` config mount option target / option device /dev/sda1 option fstype ext4 option options rw,sync option enabled 1 option enabled_fsck 0 ``` Reboot the device (`$ reboot -f`) and use `$ df -h` to confirm device now runs off the USB-Drive Next we configure the swap partition `$ mkswap /dev/sda2` `$ swapon /dev/sda2` Edit fstab again now make the swap look like this: ``` config mount option device /dev/sda2 option enabled ``` ### Wireless configuration The next section is on how to set up the network interfaces to work with B.A.T.M.A.N the mesh networking protocol. It is more or less a summary of what's written [here.]( `$ vi etc/config/wireless` and edit the wireless interface to look like this: Dont forget to remove the line that disables wireless ``` config wifi-iface 'wmesh' option device 'radio0' option ifname 'adhoc0' option network 'mesh' option mode 'adhoc' option ssid 'mesh' option bssid '66:66:66:66:66:66' ``` Next up is `$ vi etc/config/network` where we add this interface: ``` config interface 'mesh' option ifname 'adhoc0' option mtu '1528' option proto 'none' ``` Install B.A.T.M.A.N and IP6 support. `$ opkg install kmod-batman-adv kmod-ipv6` Then edit `$ /etc/config/batman-adv ` to tell it which interface to use. ``` config mesh 'bat0' option interfaces 'adhoc0' option 'aggregated_ogms' option 'ap_isolation' option [..] ``` `$ /etc/init.d/network restart` to make the changes take effect. If you have set this up properly on more than one node, the nodes should be able to see each other. Test with `$ batctl -o` Make sure that you have the same version of batctl and openwrt on all nodes you plan to use. `$ uname -a && batctl -v ` to see the version information. ### Configuring / Adding a client Hotspot For the front-end, the client user interface, we must have a captive portal running. These are the first steps in enableing another wireless interface for the hotspot Add the following lines in the following config files and restart the network: `$ vi /etc/config/network` ``` config interface 'hotspot' option 'iface' 'radio0' #use your excisting wifi device (look in config/wireless below) option 'proto' 'static' option 'ipaddr' '' option 'netmask' '' option 'type' 'bridge' ``` `$ vi /etc/config/wireless` ``` config wifi-iface option 'device' 'radio0' #use your excisting wifi device, look in the list above. option 'ssid' 'meshtest1' #use a unique name for your network? option 'network' 'hotspot' option 'mode' 'ap' option 'encryption' 'none' option 'isolate' '1' ``` `$ vi /etc/config/dhcp` ``` config dhcp hotspot option 'interface' 'hotspot' option 'start' '100' option 'limit' '150' option 'dynamicdhcp' '1' ``` `$ vi /etc/config/firewall` enable handing out dhcp addresses to wifi clients ``` config 'zone' option 'name' 'hotspot' option 'input' 'ACCEPT' option 'forward' 'ACCEPT' #was REJECT option 'output' 'ACCEPT' config 'rule' option 'src' 'hotspot' option 'dest_port' '53' option 'proto' 'tcpudp' option 'target' 'ACCEPT' config 'rule' option 'src' 'hotspot' option 'src_port' '67-68' option 'dest_port' '67-68' option 'proto' 'udp' option 'target' 'ACCEPT' ``` `$ /etc/init.d/network restart` `$ /etc/init.d/firewall restart` `$ /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart` Or better, restart the router with `$ reboot -f` The Meshenger webinterface is now available at when connected to its associated hotspot, in this case 'meshtest1'. ### Configuring the Hotspot as captive portal We want connecting clients to be redirected to our webapp, no matter what url they request. To do so we need to add some firewall rules, configure dhcp and dnsmasq. Add the following firewall rules: `$ vi /etc/config/firewall` ``` config 'rule' option 'target' 'ACCEPT' option 'src' 'hotspot' # guest wifi interface option 'proto' 'tcp' option '_name' 'Website' # this can maybe go? option 'dest_port' '80' config 'redirect' option 'proto' 'tcp' option '_name' 'Website' # this can maybe go? option 'src' 'hotspot' # guest wifi interface option 'src_dport' '80' option 'dest_port' '80' option 'dest_ip' '' # ip of webserver ``` In the dnsmasq section of the dhcp config (first section) add the following line: `$ vi /etc/config/dhcp` ``` list server '//' ``` In the dnsmasq config (first section) add the following line(s): `$ vi /etc/dnsmasq.conf` ``` # Redirect all dns requests to meshenger address=/#/ ``` Restart dnsmasq to apply the changes: `$ /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart` Now all http requests will be directed to Meshenger! ### Installing meshenger Get the dependencies and clone the git `$ opkg install python git ` `$ git clone git:// ` ### Running Meshenger on Boot To launch the Meshenger script (or python script in this case), we have to run it as a 'Service'. Befor we can do so we need to know some variable. #### Path to python Find out where your Python binary is located: ```$ which python``` This command outputs your path, for example: ` /usr/bin/python`, remember this path #### Boot order Alot of processes are started at boot, and we want to make sure our script runs after the system has booted completely. To find out the boot order, look in the rc.d folder: ```$ ls /etc/rc.d``` This will output a list of startup sctipts with prefixes like S10-, S20-, S30-. The numbers define the boot order, the higher, the later. Remember the highest 'S'(cript) number. We need to run our script after the last one. #### Startup script Create a new file in `/etc/init.d/` ```$ vi /etc/init.d/meshenger``` And paste the script below and correct your path to pyton and boot order number, both found above. ``` #!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common #meshenger startup script START=99 #the boot order number, note in our case the SAME number as the highest one found. SERVICE_DAEMONIZE=1 #start as service, important! start(){ sleep 10 #make sure booting is finished echo 'starting meshenger' /usr/bin/python /root/meshenger/ & #path to python binary, space, full path to your script } stop(){ echo 'stopping meshenger' killall python } ``` Make sure both your script ( and the init.d script are executable! ```$ chmod +x /etc/init.d/meshenger``` ```$ chmod +x /root/meshenger/``` #### Enabling the service Now we have to activate the script we just pasted and make it run as service, on every (re)boot. ```$ /etc/init.d/meshenger enable``` This creates a symlink in `/etc/rc.d` with the boot order number prefix you provided in the init.d script (S99-meshenger). You can also start and stop the service manually with: ```$ /etc/init.d/meshenger start``` ```$ /etc/init.d/meshenger stop``` That's all, reboot and see if it works ( `$ ps | grep python` )! ### SSH Access from Internet (wan) If you want, you can hook your box up to the internet and manage it remotely. This is not in the scope of this project but I'll share the steps with you: #### Configure your firewall ``` $ vi /etc/config/firewall config 'rule' option 'src' 'wan' option 'dest_port' '22' option 'target' 'ACCEPT' option 'proto' 'tcp' $ /etc/init.d/firewall restart ``` Enable user iptable script: ``` $ vi vi /etc/firewall.user iptables -t nat -A prerouting_wan -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT iptables -A input_wan -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT $ /etc/init.d/firewall restart ``` #### Configure open ssh service Add the line below in your dropbear config ``` $ vi /etc/config/dropbear option 'GatewayPorts' 'on' $ /etc/init.d/dropbear restart ``` Now you can acces your router, via ssh, from the internet. Don't forget to add portforwarding on you're modem/router! Next up, http access from the internet!