#!/usr/bin/python import socket, os, time, select, urllib, sys, threading, json, logging, logging.config logging.config.fileConfig('pylog.conf') logger = logging.getLogger('meshenger'+'.main') class Meshenger: devices = {} #the dictionary of all the nodes this this node has seen serve_port = "13338" announce_port = 13337 #own_ip = "" msg_dir = os.path.relpath('msg/') exitapp = False #to kill all threads on index_last_update = str(int(time.time())) def __init__(self): os.system("echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/br-lan/disable_ipv6") os.system("echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/br-hotspot/disable_ipv6") os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # change present working directory to the one where this file is self.own_ip = self.get_ip_adress().strip() if not os.path.exists(self.msg_dir): os.mkdir(self.msg_dir) logger.info('Making message directory') self.init_index() try: d = threading.Thread(target=self.discover) d.daemon = True d.start() a = threading.Thread(target=self.announce) a.daemon = True a.start() n = threading.Thread(target=self.nodeserve) n.daemon = True n.start() c = threading.Thread(target=self.clientserve) c.daemon = True c.start() #b = threading.Thread(target=self.build_index) #b.daemon = True #b.start() #os.system("python meshenger_clientserve.py") except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): logger.info('exiting discovery thread') d.join() a.join() b.join() n.join() c.join() sys.exit() except Exception as e: #catch all other exceptions logger.warning( 'Main __init__ thread exception: %s', e.message ) except: logger.warning( 'Main __init__ unknown thread exception') while True: logger.debug('Entering main loop') # if len(self.devices) > 0: logger.info('found %s device(s)', len(self.devices)) for device in self.devices.keys(): nodehash = self.hasj(device) nodepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('nodes'), nodehash) nodeupdatepath = os.path.join(nodepath, 'lastupdate') logger.info('Checking age of foreign node index') logger.info('%s Foreign announce timestamp', self.devices[device]) try: foreign_node_update = open(nodeupdatepath).read() except: foreign_node_update = 0 #means it was never seen before logger.info('%s Locally stored timestamp for device', foreign_node_update) if self.devices[device] > foreign_node_update: logger.info('Foreign node"s index is newer, proceed to download index') self.get_index(device, nodepath) logger.info('downloading messages') self.get_messages(device, nodepath, nodehash) self.build_index() self.node_timestamp(device) time.sleep(5) #free process or ctrl+c def node_timestamp(self, ip): nodepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('nodes', self.hasj(ip))) updatepath = os.path.join(nodepath, 'lastupdate') with open(updatepath, 'wb') as lastupdate: lastupdate.write(self.devices[ip]) #return updatepath def announce(self): """ Announce the node's existance to other nodes """ logger.info('Announcing') while not self.exitapp: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.sendto(self.index_last_update, ("ff02::1", self.announce_port)) sock.close() time.sleep(5) def discover(self): """ Discover other devices by listening to the Meshenger announce port """ logger.info('Discovering') bufferSize = 1024 # whatever you need? s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) s.bind(('::', self.announce_port)) s.setblocking(0) while not self.exitapp: result = select.select([s],[],[])[0][0].recvfrom(bufferSize) ip = result[1][0] logger.info('%s %s', ip, "*"*45) node_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('nodes'), self.hasj(ip)) if not os.path.exists(node_path) and ip != self.own_ip: #loop for first time self.ip_to_hash_path(ip) #make a folder /nodes/hash self.devices[ip] = result[0] #self.node_timestamp(ip) #make a local copy of the timestamp in /nodes/hash/updatetimestamp logger.info('New node %s', ip) elif os.path.exists(node_path) and ip != self.own_ip: logger.info('Known node %s', ip) self.devices[ip] = result[0] time.sleep(1) def nodeserve(self): """ Initialize the nodeserver """ logger.info('Serving to nodes') import meshenger_nodeserve meshenger_nodeserve.main() def clientserve(self): """ Initialize the clientserver """ logger.info('Serving to client') import meshenger_clientserve meshenger_clientserve.main() meshenger_clientserve.build_index_callback = self.build_index def init_index(self): logger.info('Building own index for the first time\n') if not os.path.exists('index'): with open('index','wb') as index: index.write('') self.previous_index = [] else: self.previous_index = open('index').readlines() def build_index(self): """ Make an index file of all the messages present on the node. Save the time of the last update. """ current_index = os.listdir(self.msg_dir) if current_index != self.previous_index: with open('index', 'wb') as index: for message in os.listdir(self.msg_dir): index.write(message) index.write('\n') self.index_last_update = str(int(time.time())) logger.info('Index updated: %s', current_index) with open('index_last_update', 'wb') as indexupdate: indexupdate.write(self.index_last_update) ### misschien moet dit index_last_update zijn self.previous_index = current_index def get_index(self,ip, path): """ Download the indices from other nodes. """ os.system('wget http://['+ip+'%adhoc0]:'+self.serve_port+'/index -O '+os.path.join(path,'index')) def get_messages(self, ip, path, hash): """ Get new messages from other node based on it's index file """ try: with open(os.path.join(path,'index')) as index: index = index.read().split('\n') for message in index: messagepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.msg_dir), message) if not os.path.exists(messagepath): logger.info('downloading %s to %s', message, messagepath) os.system('wget http://['+ip+'%adhoc0]:'+self.serve_port+'/msg/'+message+' -O '+messagepath) with open(messagepath, 'r+') as f: data=json.load(f) data['hops']=str(int(data['hops'])+1) data['node']=hash f.seek(0) json.dump(data, f) except: logger.info('Failed to download messages') pass def ip_to_hash_path(self, ip): """ Convert a node's ip into a hash and make a directory to store it's files """ if not os.path.exists('nodes'): os.mkdir('nodes') nodepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('nodes'), self.hasj(ip)) if not os.path.exists(nodepath): os.mkdir(nodepath) return nodepath def hasj(self, ip): """ Convert a node's ip into a hash """ import hashlib hasj = hashlib.md5(ip).hexdigest() return hasj def get_ip_adress(self): """ Hack to adhoc0's inet6 adress """ if not os.path.isfile('interfaceip6adress'): os.system('ifconfig -a adhoc0 | grep inet6 > /root/meshenger/interfaceip6adress') with open('/root/meshenger/interfaceip6adress', 'r') as a: return a.read().split()[2].split('/')[0] if __name__ == "__main__": logger.info("starting main...") try: meshenger = Meshenger() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): exitapp = True raise