#!/usr/bin/python import socket, os, time, select, urllib, sys, threading, json class Meshenger: devices = {} #the dictionary of all the nodes this this node has seen serve_port = "13338" announce_port = 13337 #own_ip = "" msg_dir = os.path.relpath('msg/') exitapp = False #to kill all threads on index_last_update = str(int(time.time())) def __init__(self): os.system("echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/br-lan/disable_ipv6") os.system("echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/br-hotspot/disable_ipv6") os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # change present working directory to the one where this file is self.own_ip = self.get_ip_adress().strip() if not os.path.exists(self.msg_dir): os.mkdir(self.msg_dir) print 'Making message directory' try: d = threading.Thread(target=self.discover) d.daemon = True d.start() a = threading.Thread(target=self.announce) a.daemon = True a.start() n = threading.Thread(target=self.nodeserve) n.daemon = True n.start() c = threading.Thread(target=self.clientserve) c.daemon = True c.start() b = threading.Thread(target=self.build_index) b.daemon = True b.start() #os.system("python meshenger_clientserve.py") except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print 'exiting discovery thread' d.join() a.join() b.join() n.join() c.join() sys.exit() while True: print 'Entering main loop' # if len(self.devices) > 0: print 'found', len(self.devices),'device(s)' for device in self.devices.keys(): nodehash = self.hasj(device) nodepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('nodes'), nodehash) nodeupdatepath = os.path.join(nodepath, 'lastupdate') print 'Checking age of foreign node index' print self.devices[device], 'Foreign announce timestamp' try: foreign_node_update = open(nodeupdatepath).read() except: foreign_node_update = 0 #means it was never seen before print foreign_node_update, 'Locally stored timestamp for device' if self.devices[device] > foreign_node_update: print 'Foreign node"s index is newer, proceed to download index' self.get_index(device, nodepath) print 'downloading messages' self.get_messages(device, nodepath, nodehash) self.node_timestamp(device) time.sleep(5) #free process or ctrl+c def node_timestamp(self, ip): nodepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('nodes', self.hasj(ip))) updatepath = os.path.join(nodepath, 'lastupdate') with open(updatepath, 'wb') as lastupdate: lastupdate.write(self.devices[ip]) #return updatepath def announce(self): """ Announce the node's existance to other nodes """ print 'Announcing' while not self.exitapp: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) sock.sendto(self.index_last_update, ("ff02::1", self.announce_port)) sock.close() time.sleep(5) def discover(self): """ Discover other devices by listening to the Meshenger announce port """ print 'Discovering' bufferSize = 1024 # whatever you need? s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) s.bind(('::', self.announce_port)) s.setblocking(0) while not self.exitapp: result = select.select([s],[],[])[0][0].recvfrom(bufferSize) ip = result[1][0] print ip, "*"*45 node_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('nodes'), self.hasj(ip)) if not os.path.exists(node_path) and ip != self.own_ip: #loop for first time self.ip_to_hash_path(ip) #make a folder /nodes/hash self.devices[ip] = result[0] #self.node_timestamp(ip) #make a local copy of the timestamp in /nodes/hash/updatetimestamp print 'New node', ip elif os.path.exists(node_path) and ip != self.own_ip: print 'Known node', ip self.devices[ip] = result[0] time.sleep(1) def nodeserve(self): """ Initialize the nodeserver """ print 'Serving to nodes' import meshenger_nodeserve meshenger_nodeserve.main() def clientserve(self): """ Initialize the clientserver """ print 'Serving to client' import meshenger_clientserve meshenger_clientserve.main() def build_index(self): """ Make an index file of all the messages present on the node. Save the time of the last update. """ print 'Building own index for the first time\n' if not os.path.exists('index'): with open('index','wb') as index: index.write('') previous_index = [] else: previous_index = open('index').readlines() while not self.exitapp: current_index = os.listdir(self.msg_dir) if current_index != previous_index: with open('index', 'wb') as index: for message in os.listdir(self.msg_dir): index.write(message) index.write('\n') self.index_last_update = str(int(time.time())) print 'Index updated:', current_index with open('index_last_update', 'wb') as indexupdate: indexupdate.write(self.index_last_update) ### misschien moet dit index_last_update zijn previous_index = current_index time.sleep(5) def get_index(self,ip, path): """ Download the indices from other nodes. """ os.system('wget http://['+ip+'%adhoc0]:'+self.serve_port+'/index -O '+os.path.join(path,'index')) def get_messages(self, ip, path, hash): """ Get new messages from other node based on it's index file """ try: with open(os.path.join(path,'index')) as index: index = index.read().split('\n') for message in index: messagepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(self.msg_dir), message) if not os.path.exists(messagepath): print 'downloading', message, 'to', messagepath os.system('wget http://['+ip+'%adhoc0]:'+self.serve_port+'/msg/'+message+' -O '+messagepath) with open(messagepath, 'r+') as f: data=json.load(f) data['hops']=str(int(data['hops'])+1) data['node']=hash f.seek(0) json.dump(data, f) except: print 'Failed to download messages' pass def ip_to_hash_path(self, ip): """ Convert a node's ip into a hash and make a directory to store it's files """ if not os.path.exists('nodes'): os.mkdir('nodes') nodepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('nodes'), self.hasj(ip)) if not os.path.exists(nodepath): os.mkdir(nodepath) return nodepath def hasj(self, ip): """ Convert a node's ip into a hash """ import hashlib hasj = hashlib.md5(ip).hexdigest() return hasj def get_ip_adress(self): """ Hack to adhoc0's inet6 adress """ if not os.path.isfile('interfaceip6adress'): os.system('ifconfig -a adhoc0 | grep inet6 > /root/meshenger/interfaceip6adress') with open('/root/meshenger/interfaceip6adress', 'r') as a: return a.read().split()[2].split('/')[0] if __name__ == "__main__": print "test" try: meshenger = Meshenger() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): exitapp = True raise