A Pelican plugin to add meta-data to generated HTML pages
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rra b9c228ed73 added readme todo, removed print statements il y a 4 ans
README.md added readme todo, removed print statements il y a 4 ans
__init__.py initial commit il y a 5 ans
page_metadata.py added readme todo, removed print statements il y a 4 ans


#Page Meta-Data

A Pelican plugin to add the total page size to each generated page of your site.

It calculates the weight of the HTML page including all image media and returns that in a human readable format (B, KB, MB).


it currently is tailored to https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com and needs work in the following areas:

  • add options to show file name and generation time
  • properly handle subsites plugin (currently it only works for dither+subsites)
  • make sure it works with --relative-urls flag
  • handle static assets


To enable the plugin add it to the PLUGINS list in pelicanconf.py.

Add a div with id page-size to your template and page_metadata will place the result there.

have fun!

in case we add generation time:

To use this plugin first import strftime at the top of pelicanconf.py:

from time import strftime

Then add NOW = strftime('%c') somewhere in that document as well. This saves the time of generation as a variable that is usable by the page_metadata plugin.