A collection of examples for using the gpiozero library for reading sensors and activating actuators
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3 years ago
# pi_gpiozero_examples
3 years ago
A collection of examples for using the gpiozero library for reading sensors and activating actuators
# First steps
Install python3-gpiozero
`$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-gpiozero`
3 years ago
All of these examples are based on [the excellent documentation of the gpiozero library](https://gpiozero.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html)
## analogSensor.py
3 years ago
How to read analog values using a MCP3008 ADC (analog to digital converter)
3 years ago
## distanceSensor.py
3 years ago
Using HC-SRO4 distance sensor
Hardware required:
* 330 & 470 ohm resistors
* HC-SRO4 Distance sensor
3 years ago
## ldrLed.py
3 years ago
Using an LDR to set the values of an LED, also smoothing and constraining sensor values in the process
Hardware required:
3 years ago
* 330 ohm resistor
## servo.py
Operate a servo
## webLed.py
Turn an LED on or off based on the input from a web page
Requires `flask` (`$ sudo apt install python3-flask`)
To change the look of the HTML page, have a look at the folder `template`
## remoteGpioFromHome.py
Interact with an LED using remote-gpio. This allows you to write python code on your own laptop but to use sensors and actuators on the Pi.
3 years ago
## remoteGpioFromPi.py
Read buttons on different Pis in the VPN to trigger an LED.
## heartbeat.py
Changed the implementation of [tut RPi's Heartbeat Pulse Sensor](https://github.com/tutRPi/Raspberry-Pi-Heartbeat-Pulse-Sensor) to work with gpiozero.
Look at `heartbeat.py` for how to use it. `pulsesensor.py` is the underlying pulse detection logic.
Works in conjunction with analog heartbeat sensors and the MCP3008 ADC.