#!/bin/bash #Satellite we want to plan to record. ex: NOAA-19 SAT=$1 #current unix time TIEMSTAMP=$(date +%s) #make a file FILENAME="sat_schedules/schd-${SAT}-${TIEMSTAMP}" rm reschd-$SAT.txt #from here out we generate a bash script to be executed at the time of a satellite pass echo "#!/bin/bash" > $FILENAME #meat and potatoes of the program python satpredict.py python satschedule.py $SAT >> $FILENAME #regenerate the bash script for the next pass afterwards echo "sleep 30" >> $FILENAME echo "echo bash sats.sh ${SAT} > reschd-${SAT}.txt" >> $FILENAME echo "at now + 30 minutes -q z -M -f reschd-${SAT}.txt" >> $FILENAME echo "rm ${FILENAME}" >> $FILENAME TIEM=$(<"${SAT}_sched.txt") echo $TIEM #commit to the action at -M -m $TIEM < $FILENAME rm "${SAT}_sched.txt"