from calibrestekje import Book, Comment, Publisher, init_session from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import * from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle, getSampleStyleSheet from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.platypus import PageBreak, Paragraph, SimpleDocTemplate, Spacer pagewidth, pageheight = landscape(A6) doc = SimpleDocTemplate( "text.pdf", pagesize=landscape(A6), rightMargin=18, leftMargin=18, topMargin=0, bottomMargin=18, ) content = [] styles = getSampleStyleSheet() session = init_session("sqlite:///metadata.db") # if book id from book table is the same as book id from comment table, show me that for book in session.query(Book).all(): for comment in session.query(Comment).all(): if ( == ( print( print(book.title) print(book.authors) print(book.timestamp) print(book.path) print(book.tags) print(comment.text) # create a paragraph and append content to it - e.g. book.title, book.authors etc ptitle = Paragraph("{}".format(book.title), styles["Italic"]) ptime = Paragraph( "Uploaded: {}".format(book.timestamp), styles["Normal"] ) pcomments = Paragraph("{}".format(comment.text)) # list comprehensions for authors and tags format_string = "{}" all_authors = [ for author in book.authors] glued_together = format_string.format(", ".join(all_authors)) format_string = "{}" all_tags = [ for tag in book.tags] tags_glued_together = format_string.format(", ".join(all_tags)) # format_string = '{}' # all_comments = [ for comment in comment.text] # comments_split_apart = format_string.format("".split(all_comments)[:50]) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # append the other content content.append(ptitle) content.append(Spacer(1, 12)) content.append(ptime) content.append(Spacer(1, 12)) content.append(pcomments) # alternative way to list multiple authors... (without list comprehensions) # first = True # author_text = "" # for author in book.authors: # if not first: # author_text += ", " # author_text += # first = False # author_text = "{}".format(author_text) # gluing together authors, tags p = Paragraph(glued_together, styles["Normal"]) content.append(p) content.append(PageBreak()) content.append(Spacer(6, 12)) p = Paragraph(tags_glued_together, styles["Normal"]) content.append(p) content.append(PageBreak()) content.append(Spacer(6, 12))