{% extends "base.html" %} {% block body %}
  .- _--       /.    /.    /.        |\
 (  /|         ||    ||    ||         \\ 
((  ||    / \\ ||/|\ ||/|\ ||  _-_   / \\
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 ( / |   || || || |' || |' || ||/   || ||
  -____- \\ /  \\/   \\/   \\ \\ /   \\/ 
{% include 'logo.svg' %}

Cobbled paths

It is a web interface that brings multiple tools together, to allow experimental and direct collaboration on pen-plotted drawings by making Ascii art.

It makes a way from the blocky discontinuity of Ascii drawings, to the smoothness of bezier curves, to an anologic pen-plotter interpretation.

Like cobbled paths, none of those technologies are new, and we've been walking on them for years.

Like cobbled paths, it is a reminder of the permeability between the discrete and the continuous, and how regular stones can form tortuous paths.

Handfull links

{% endblock %}