Captive portal serving files from SPIFFS, updatable Over-The-Air.
選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。
dennisdebel 075f74a472 added some instructions to the readme 4年前
otasta added password for updating firmware ota 4年前 added some instructions to the readme 4年前


Captive portal serving files from SPIFFS, updatable Over-The-Air.

Running this code on ESP8266 or compatible creates an 'offline' hotspot (STA, station) with the SSID 'my-ssid'. It runs a webserver that serves files from the onboard SPIFFS memory. When connecting to the hotspot using iOS it serves a captive portal pop up (WebView). The ESP8266 code and SPIFFS contents are updatable 'Over-the-Air', when connected to the hotspot. Handy when physical access to the ESP8266 is hard.

First Time Usage

To make use of Over-the-Air updates you need to flash your ESP8266 with usb/serial first. After that, connect to the hotspot and select the port 'esp8266 on' from Arduino>Tools>Port.

You will need to type a password ('change-me') in order to commence uploading.


  • uploading using OTA seems faster than using serial/usb
  • the size of you sketch/code and files/content can't be larger than half of the storage available


  • force captive portal webview popup on: Android, OSX, Windows