# gps_spoofing How to fool your GPS enabled devices using Software Defined Radio, in this case using the HackRF One. This guide is written for Arch linux. But should be relatively consistent with other platforms. ## installing you could build gps-sdr-sim from scratch, but I choose to use the binary provided by the 'blackarch' distro's repository. ### Prerequisits ``` $ curl -O https://blackarch.org/strap.sh $ chmod +x strap.sh $ sudo ./strap.sh (installing the keyring step takes a few minutes) $ sudo pacman -Syyu (update pacman sources etc. although stap.sh already seems to take care of this) $ sudo pacman -S blackarch-radio (just install all the radio stuff (1Gb)) $ sudo modprobe hackrf (load the hackrf kernel module/driver) $ hackrf_info (see if you can see your hack rf one) ``` Download the latest brdc file from here: [ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/gnss/data/daily](ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/gnss/data/daily) (for example: ftp://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/gnss/data/daily/2020/brdc/brdc1460.20g.Z) Extract the compressed file in a place you will remember ### Generate simulated motion file Generate binary file to be transmitted by hackrf: ``` $ gps-sdr-sim -b 8 -e ~/LOCATION_OF_YOUR_BRDC/brdc1460.20n -l 45.803304, 12.133697,100 ``` The default option generates a 300sec (5 min) 'motion' file. This can be increased by using using the '-d' option. The last part is the location of your choosing. This will run for 300 seconds and generate a 'gpssim.bin' file. ### Spoof location To transmit your spoofed gps position using the hackrf use the follwing command: ``` $ hackrf_transfer -t ~/LOCATION_OF_YOUR_BIN_FILE/gpssim.bin -f 1575420000 -s 2600000 -a 1 -x 0 ``` Enjoy!