var EngineioTools = { ReconnectingSocket: function ReconnectingSocket(server_uri, socket_options) { var connected = false; var is_reconnecting = false; var reconnect_delay = 4000; var reconnect_last_delay = 0; var reconnect_delay_exponential = true; var reconnect_max_attempts = 5; var reconnect_step = 0; var reconnect_tmr = null; var original_disconnect; var planned_disconnect = false; var socket = eio.apply(eio, arguments); socket.on('open', onOpen); socket.on('close', onClose); socket.on('error', onError); original_disconnect = socket.close; socket.close = close; // Apply any custom reconnection config if (socket_options) { if (typeof socket_options.reconnect_delay === 'number') reconnect_delay = socket_options.reconnect_delay; if (typeof socket_options.reconnect_max_attempts === 'number') reconnect_max_attempts = socket_options.reconnect_max_attempts; if (typeof socket_options.reconnect_delay_exponential !== 'undefined') reconnect_delay_exponential = !!socket_options.reconnect_delay_exponential; } function onOpen() { connected = true; is_reconnecting = false; planned_disconnect = false; reconnect_step = 0; reconnect_last_delay = 0; clearTimeout(reconnect_tmr); } function onClose() { connected = false; if (!planned_disconnect && !is_reconnecting) reconnect(); } function onError() { // This will be called when a reconnect fails if (is_reconnecting) reconnect(); } function close() { planned_disconnect = true;; } function reconnect() { if (reconnect_step >= reconnect_max_attempts) { socket.emit('reconnecting_failed'); return; } var delay = reconnect_delay_exponential ? (reconnect_last_delay || reconnect_delay / 2) * 2 : reconnect_delay * reconnect_step; is_reconnecting = true; reconnect_tmr = setTimeout(function() {; }, delay); reconnect_last_delay = delay; socket.emit('reconnecting', { attempt: reconnect_step + 1, max_attempts: reconnect_max_attempts, delay: delay }); reconnect_step++; } return socket; }, Rpc: (function(){ /* TODO: Create a document explaining the protocol Some way to expire unused callbacks? TTL? expireCallback() function? */ /** * Wrapper around creating a new WebsocketRpcCaller * This lets us use the WebsocketRpc object as a function */ function WebsocketRpc(eio_socket) { var caller = new WebsocketRpcCaller(eio_socket); var ret = function WebsocketRpcInstance() { return ret.makeCall.apply(ret, arguments); }; for(var prop in caller){ ret[prop] = caller[prop]; } ret._mixinEmitter(); ret._bindSocketListeners(); // Keep a reference to the main Rpc object so namespaces can find calling functions ret._rpc = ret; return ret; } function WebsocketRpcCaller(eio_socket) { this._next_id = 0; this._rpc_callbacks = {}; this._socket = eio_socket; this._rpc = this; this._namespace = ''; this._namespaces = []; } WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype._bindSocketListeners = function() { var self = this; // Proxy the onMessage listener this._onMessageProxy = function rpcOnMessageBoundFunction(){ self._onMessage.apply(self, arguments); }; this._socket.on('message', this._onMessageProxy); }; WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype.dispose = function() { if (this._onMessageProxy) { this._socket.removeListener('message', this._onMessageProxy); delete this._onMessageProxy; } // Clean up any namespaces for (var idx in this._namespaces) { this._namespaces[idx].dispose(); } this.removeAllListeners(); }; WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype.namespace = function(namespace_name) { var complete_namespace, namespace; if (this._namespace) { complete_namespace = this._namespace + '.' + namespace_name; } else { complete_namespace = namespace_name; } namespace = new this._rpc.Namespace(this._rpc, complete_namespace); this._rpc._namespaces.push(namespace); return namespace; }; // Find all namespaces that either matches or starts with namespace_name WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype._findRelevantNamespaces = function(namespace_name) { var found_namespaces = []; for(var idx in this._namespaces) { if (this._namespaces[idx]._namespace === namespace_name) { found_namespaces.push(this._namespaces[idx]); } if (this._namespaces[idx]._namespace.indexOf(namespace_name + '.') === 0) { found_namespaces.push(this._namespaces[idx]); } } return found_namespaces; }; /** * The socket already has an emitter mixin so steal it from there */ WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype._mixinEmitter = function(target_obj) { var funcs = ['on', 'once', 'off', 'removeListener', 'removeAllListeners', 'emit', 'listeners', 'hasListeners']; target_obj = target_obj || this; for (var i=0; i 0) { namespace = packet.method.substring(0, packet.method.lastIndexOf('.')); namespaces = this._findRelevantNamespaces(namespace); for(idx in namespaces){ packet.method = packet.method.replace(namespaces[idx]._namespace + '.', ''); namespaces[idx].emit.apply(namespaces[idx], [packet.method, returnFn].concat(packet.params)); } } } }; /** * Returns a function used as a callback when responding to a call */ WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype._createReturnCallFn = function(packet_id) { var self = this; return function returnCallFn() { var value =, 0); var ret_packet = { id: packet_id, response: value }; self.send(ret_packet); }; }; WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype._noop = function() {}; WebsocketRpcCaller.prototype.Namespace = function(rpc, namespace) { var ret = function WebsocketRpcNamespaceInstance() { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'undefined') { return; } arguments[0] = ret._namespace + '.' + arguments[0]; return ret._rpc.apply(ret._rpc, arguments); }; ret._rpc = rpc; ret._namespace = namespace; ret.dispose = function() { ret.removeAllListeners(); ret._rpc = null; }; rpc._mixinEmitter(ret); return ret; }; return WebsocketRpc; }()) };