Place to store the code and config used for the next-Iterations live event.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

325 lines
12 KiB

(function () {
_kiwi.model.Application = Backbone.Model.extend({
/** _kiwi.view.Application */
view: null,
/** _kiwi.view.StatusMessage */
message: null,
initialize: function (options) {
this.app_options = options;
if (options.container) {
this.set('container', options.container);
// The base url to the kiwi server
this.set('base_path', options.base_path ? options.base_path : '');
// Path for the settings.json file
this.set('settings_path', options.settings_path ?
options.settings_path :
this.get('base_path') + '/assets/settings.json'
// Any options sent down from the server
this.server_settings = options.server_settings || {};
this.translations = options.translations || {};
this.themes = options.themes || [];
this.text_theme = options.text_theme || {};
// The applet to initially load
this.startup_applet_name = options.startup || 'kiwi_startup';
// Set any default settings before anything else is applied
if (this.server_settings && this.server_settings.client && this.server_settings.client.settings) {
initializeInterfaces: function () {
var kiwi_server = '';
// The kiwi server to connect to may be a string for a single option,
// or an array of kiwi servers to pick one at random from.
if (typeof this.app_options.kiwi_server === 'string') {
kiwi_server = this.app_options.kiwi_server;
} else if (_.isArray(this.app_options.kiwi_server)) {
kiwi_server = _.sample(this.app_options.kiwi_server);
} else {
// Best guess at where the kiwi server is
kiwi_server = this.detectKiwiServer();
// Set the gateway up
_kiwi.gateway = new _kiwi.model.Gateway({kiwi_server: kiwi_server});
detectKiwiServer: function () {
// If running from file, default to localhost:7777 by default
if (window.location.protocol === 'file:') {
return 'http://localhost:7778';
} else {
// Assume the kiwi server is on the same server
return window.location.protocol + '//' +;
showStartup: function() {
this.startup_applet = _kiwi.model.Applet.load(this.startup_applet_name, {no_tab: true}); = this.view.$('.console');;'loaded');
initializeClient: function () {
this.view = new _kiwi.view.Application({model: this, el: this.get('container')});
// Takes instances of model_network
this.connections = new _kiwi.model.NetworkPanelList();
// If all connections are removed at some point, hide the bars
this.connections.on('remove', _.bind(function() {
if (this.connections.length === 0) {
}, this));
// Applets panel list
this.applet_panels = new _kiwi.model.PanelList();
this.applet_panels.view.$el.addClass('panellist applets');
* Set the UI components up
this.controlbox = (new _kiwi.view.ControlBox({el: $('#kiwi .controlbox')[0]})).render();
this.client_ui_commands = new _kiwi.misc.ClientUiCommands(this, this.controlbox);
this.rightbar = new _kiwi.view.RightBar({el: this.view.$('.right_bar')[0]});
this.topicbar = new _kiwi.view.TopicBar({el: this.view.$el.find('.topic')[0]});
new _kiwi.view.AppToolbar({el:$el.find('.toolbar .app_tools')[0]});
new _kiwi.view.ChannelTools({el:$el.find('.channel_tools')[0]});
this.message = new _kiwi.view.StatusMessage({el: this.view.$el.find('.status_message')[0]});
this.resize_handle = new _kiwi.view.ResizeHandler({el: this.view.$el.find('.memberlists_resize_handle')[0]});
// Rejigg the UI sizes
initializeGlobals: function () { = this.connections; = this.panels; = this.applet_panels; = _kiwi.model.Applet; =_kiwi.model.Panel; = _kiwi.view.MenuBox; = _kiwi.model.DataStore; = _kiwi.view.Notification; = function() {
applyDefaultClientSettings: function (settings) {
_.each(settings, function (value, setting) {
if (typeof === 'undefined') {, value);
panels: (function() {
var active_panel;
var fn = function(panel_type) {
var app =,
// Default panel type
panel_type = panel_type || 'connections';
switch (panel_type) {
case 'connections':
panels = app.connections.panels();
case 'applets':
panels = app.applet_panels.models;
// Active panels / server = active_panel;
panels.server = app.connections.active_connection ?
app.connections.active_connection.panels.server :
return panels;
_.extend(fn, Backbone.Events);
// Keep track of the active panel. Channel/query/server or applet
fn.bind('active', function (new_active_panel) {
var previous_panel = active_panel;
active_panel = new_active_panel;'panel:active', {previous: previous_panel, active: active_panel});
return fn;
bindGatewayCommands: function (gw) {
var that = this;
// As soon as an IRC connection is made, show the full client UI
gw.on('connection:connect', function (event) {
* Handle the reconnections to the kiwi server
(function () {
// 0 = non-reconnecting state. 1 = reconnecting state.
var gw_stat = 0;
gw.on('disconnect', function (event) {
// Reconnection phase will start to kick in
gw_stat = 1;
gw.on('reconnecting', function (event) {
var msg = translateText('client_models_application_reconnect_in_x_seconds', [event.delay/1000]) + '...';
// Only need to mention the repeating re-connection messages on server panels {
connection.panels.server.addMsg('', styleText('quit', {text: msg}), 'action quit');
// After the socket has connected, kiwi handshakes and then triggers a kiwi:connected event
gw.on('kiwi:connected', function (event) {
var msg;
// Make the rpc globally available for plugins = _kiwi.gateway.rpc;'connected');
// If we were reconnecting, show some messages we have connected back OK
if (gw_stat === 1) {
// No longer in the reconnection state
gw_stat = 0;
msg = translateText('client_models_application_reconnect_successfully') + ' :)';
that.message.text(msg, {timeout: 5000});
// Mention the re-connection on every channel {
connection.panels.server.addMsg('', styleText('rejoin', {text: msg}), 'action join');
connection.panels.forEach(function(panel) {
if (!panel.isChannel())
// The memberlist will reset itself and be updated with NAMES output
panel.addMsg('', styleText('rejoin', {text: msg}), 'action join');
gw.on('kiwi:reconfig', function () {
$.getJSON(that.get('settings_path'), function (data) {
that.server_settings = data.server_settings || {};
that.translations = data.translations || {};
gw.on('kiwi:jumpserver', function (data) {
var serv;
// No server set? Then nowhere to jump to.
if (typeof data.kiwi_server === 'undefined')
serv = data.kiwi_server;
// Strip any trailing slash from the end
if (serv[serv.length-1] === '/')
serv = serv.substring(0, serv.length-1);
// Force the jumpserver now?
if (data.force) {
// Get an interval between 5 and 6 minutes so everyone doesn't reconnect it all at once
var jump_server_interval = Math.random() * (360 - 300) + 300;
jump_server_interval = 1;
// Tell the user we are going to disconnect, wait 5 minutes then do the actual reconnect
var msg ='client_models_application_jumpserver_prepare').fetch();
that.message.text(msg, {timeout: 10000});
setTimeout(function forcedReconnect() {
var msg ='client_models_application_jumpserver_reconnect').fetch();
that.message.text(msg, {timeout: 8000});
setTimeout(function forcedReconnectPartTwo() {
_kiwi.gateway.set('kiwi_server', serv);
_kiwi.gateway.reconnect(function() {
// Reconnect all the IRC connections
that.connections.forEach(function(con){ con.reconnect(); });
}, 5000);
}, jump_server_interval * 1000);
gw.on('kiwi:asset_files_changes', function (data) {