Place to store the code and config used for the next-Iterations live event.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

461 lines
17 KiB

_kiwi.view.ControlBox = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
'keydown .inp': 'inputKeyDown',
'keyup .inp': 'inputKeyUp',
'blur .inp': 'inputBlur',
'click .nick': 'showNickChange'
initialize: function () {
var that = this;
this.buffer = []; // Stores previously run commands
this.buffer_pos = 0; // The current position in the buffer
this.preprocessor = new InputPreProcessor();
this.preprocessor.recursive_depth = 5;
this.autocomplete = new AutoComplete({el: this.$('.autocomplete')[0]});
this.autocomplete_command_list = [];
// Keep the nick view updated with nick changes'change:nick', function(connection) {
// Only update the nick view if it's the active connection
if (connection !==
$('.nick', that.$el).text(connection.get('nick'));
// Update our nick view as we flick between connections'active', function(panel, connection) {
$('.nick', that.$el).text(connection.get('nick'));
render: function() {
var send_message_text = translateText('client_views_controlbox_message');
this.$('.inp').attr('placeholder', send_message_text);
return this;
bindAutocomplete: function() {
this.listenTo(this.autocomplete, 'match', function(word, matched) {
// A final word is selected. Either by clicking or hitting enter
var trailing = '';
if (matched.type === 'nick' && this.autocomplete_token_idx === 0) {
trailing = ': ';
this.autoCompleteFillWord(word + trailing, true);
this.listenTo(this.autocomplete, 'selected', function(word, matched) {
// Words are selected while scrolling through the available options
var trailing = '';
if (matched && matched.type === 'nick' && this.autocomplete_token_idx === 0) {
trailing = ': ';
// Only display the match if we're not filtering through the UI
if (!this.autocomplete.filter_list) {
this.autoCompleteFillWord(word ? word + trailing : this.autocomplete.matching_against_word, true);
var focus_after_close = true;
this.listenTo(this.autocomplete, 'cancel', function(reason) {
var $inp = this.$('.inp'),
inp = $inp[0],
inp_val = $inp.val(),
caret_pos = $inp.selectRange();
// If we hit space while typing a word, then take chars 0->caret_pos, remove rest of word, include rest of input value
if (reason === 'typing' || reason === 'lost_focus') {
var trailing_start_pos = inp_val.indexOf(' ', caret_pos);
if (trailing_start_pos === -1 ) trailing_start_pos = inp_val.length;
$inp.val(inp_val.substr(0, caret_pos) + inp_val.substr(trailing_start_pos+1, inp_val.length));
} else {
focus_after_close = (reason === 'lost_focus') ?
false :
if (focus_after_close) {
// Move the cursor position back to where it was
this.listenTo(this.autocomplete, 'close', function() {
if (focus_after_close) this.$('.inp').focus();
this.listenTo(this.autocomplete, 'action-message', function(nick) {;
this.listenTo(this.autocomplete, 'action-more', function(nick) {
var active_panel =,
members = active_panel.get('members'),
member = members.getByNick(nick),
are_we_an_op = !!members.getByNick('nick')).get('is_op');
userbox = new _kiwi.view.UserBox();
userbox.setTargets(member, active_panel);
var menu = new _kiwi.view.MenuBox(member.get('nick') || 'User');
menu.addItem('userbox', userbox.$el);
menu.showFooter(false);'usermenu:created', {menu: menu, userbox: userbox, user: member})
.then(_.bind(function() {;
var t =$el.height() - this.autocomplete.$el.outerHeight() - menu.$el.outerHeight();
var l =$el.width() - menu.$el.outerWidth();
// Set the new positon
left: l,
top: t
}, this))
.then(null, _.bind(function() {
userbox = null;
menu = null;
}, this));
// Taking a matched word form the auto completion, fill it into the current
// selected word (where the cursor position is)
autoCompleteFillWord: function(word, place_cursor_after_word) {
var $inp = this.$('.inp'),
inp_val = $inp.val(),
caret_pos = $inp[0].selectionStart;
// If we have the trailing ': ' after nicks, we need to check further back to find
// the start of the current word
var trailing_found = inp_val.substr(caret_pos-2, 2) === ': ';
var word_start_pos = inp_val.lastIndexOf(' ', caret_pos - (trailing_found ? 2 : 1));
word_start_pos = (word_start_pos === -1) ? 0 : word_start_pos + 1; // If no space found, start from 0. Otherwise, add 1 to include the space
var word_end_pos = inp_val.indexOf(' ', word_start_pos);
if (word_end_pos === -1) word_end_pos = inp_val.length;
var start_of_inp = inp_val.substr(0, word_start_pos); // Get text before current selected word
var rest_of_inp = inp_val.substr(word_end_pos); // Get text after current selected word
var new_val = start_of_inp + word + rest_of_inp; // Join strings before word, the new word, and after word
// Set the cursor to the same posiiton of the current word as was previous
var new_position = word_start_pos + this.autocomplete.matching_against_word.length;
if (place_cursor_after_word) {
new_position = word_start_pos + word.length;
// Move the cursor position to the new position
if ($inp[0].setSelectionRange) {
$inp[0].setSelectionRange(new_position, new_position);
} else if ($inp[0].createTextRange) { // IE8 support
range = $inp[0].createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', new_position);
range.moveStart('character', new_position);;
showNickChange: function (ev) {
// Nick box already open? Don't do it again
if (this.nick_change)
this.nick_change = new _kiwi.view.NickChangeBox();
this.listenTo(this.nick_change, 'close', function() {
delete this.nick_change;
inputKeyUp: function (ev) {
// If we're filtering the auto complete list, update the UI with our updated word
if ( && this.autocomplete.filter_list) {
var $inp = $(ev.currentTarget);
var tokens = $inp.val().trim().substring(0, $inp[0].selectionStart).split(' ');
this.autocomplete.update(tokens[tokens.length - 1]);
inputKeyDown: function (ev) {
var that = this,
inp = $(ev.currentTarget),
inp_val = inp.val(),
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") !== -1) {
meta = ev.metaKey;
} else {
meta = ev.altKey;
if ( {
// A return value of true = dont process any other keys
if (this.autocomplete.onKeyDown(ev)) {
switch (true) {
case (ev.keyCode === 13): // return
inp_val = inp_val.trim();
if (inp_val) {
$.each(inp_val.split('\n'), function (idx, line) {
try {
} catch (err) {
window.console && console.error(err);
this.buffer_pos = this.buffer.length;
// The auto complete may not have thrown a match if it was empty, so
// just make sure it's closed
if ( {
return false;
case (ev.keyCode === 38): // up
if (this.buffer_pos > 0) {
//suppress browsers default behavior as it would set the cursor at the beginning
return false;
case (ev.keyCode === 40): // down
if (this.buffer_pos < this.buffer.length) {
case (ev.keyCode === 219 && meta): // [ + meta
// Find all the tab elements and get the index of the active tab
var $tabs = $('#kiwi .tabs').find('li[class!=connection]');
var cur_tab_ind = (function() {
for (var idx=0; idx<$tabs.length; idx++){
if ($($tabs[idx]).hasClass('active'))
return idx;
// Work out the previous tab along. Wrap around if needed
if (cur_tab_ind === 0) {
$prev_tab = $($tabs[$tabs.length - 1]);
} else {
$prev_tab = $($tabs[cur_tab_ind - 1]);
return false;
case (ev.keyCode === 221 && meta): // ] + meta
// Find all the tab elements and get the index of the active tab
var $tabs = $('#kiwi .tabs').find('li[class!=connection]');
var cur_tab_ind = (function() {
for (var idx=0; idx<$tabs.length; idx++){
if ($($tabs[idx]).hasClass('active'))
return idx;
// Work out the next tab along. Wrap around if needed
if (cur_tab_ind === $tabs.length - 1) {
$next_tab = $($tabs[0]);
} else {
$next_tab = $($tabs[cur_tab_ind + 1]);
return false;
case (ev.keyCode === 9 //Check if ONLY tab is pressed
&& !ev.shiftKey //(user could be using some browser
&& !ev.altKey //keyboard shortcut)
&& !ev.metaKey
&& !ev.ctrlKey):
// Get possible autocompletions
var autocomplete_list = [],
members ='members');
if (members) {
members.forEach(function (member) {
if (!member) return;
autocomplete_list.push({match: [member.get('nick')], type: 'nick'});
// Add this channels name into the auto complete list
// Sort what we have alphabetically
autocomplete_list = _.sortBy(autocomplete_list, function (entry) {
// Nicks have a .type property of 'nick'
return entry.type === 'nick' ?
entry.match[0].toLowerCase() :
this.showAutocomplete(autocomplete_list, 'nicks');
case (ev.keyCode === 191 && inp_val === ''): // Forward slash in an empty box
this.showAutocomplete(this.autocomplete_command_list, 'command', true);
setAutoCompleteCommands: function(commands) {
_.each(commands, function(command) {
match: command.matches || [],
description: command.description
}, this);
var command_list = [
{match: ['/join'], description: 'Join or start a channel'},
{match: ['/part', '/leave'], description: 'Leave the channel'},
{match: ['/me', '/action'], description: 'Do something physical'},
{match: ['/nick'], description: 'Change your nickname'},
{match: ['/topic'], description: 'Set the topic for the channel'},
inputBlur: function(event) {
// IE hack. Mouse down on auto complete UI sets cancel_blur so we don't loose
// focus here.
if (this.autocomplete.cancel_blur) {
delete this.autocomplete.cancel_blur;
processInput: function (command_raw) {
var that = this,
command, params, events_data,
// If sending a message when not in a channel or query window, automatically
// convert it into a command
if (command_raw[0] !== '/' && ! && ! {
command_raw = '/' + command_raw;
// The default command
if (command_raw[0] !== '/' || command_raw.substr(0, 2) === '//') {
// Remove any slash escaping at the start (ie. //)
command_raw = command_raw.replace(/^\/\//, '/');
// Prepend the default command
command_raw = '/msg ' +'name') + ' ' + command_raw;
// Process the raw command for any aliases
this.preprocessor.vars.server ='name'); ='name');
this.preprocessor.vars.destination =;
command_raw = this.preprocessor.process(command_raw);
// Extract the command and parameters
params = command_raw.split(/\s/);
if (params[0][0] === '/') {
command = params[0].substr(1).toLowerCase();
params = params.splice(1, params.length - 1);
} else {
// Default command
command = 'msg';
// Emit a plugin event for any modifications
events_data = {command: command, params: params};'command', events_data)
.then(function() {
// Trigger the command events
that.trigger('command', {command: events_data.command, params: events_data.params});
that.trigger('command:' + events_data.command, {command: events_data.command, params: events_data.params});
// If we didn't have any listeners for this event, fire a special case
// TODO: This feels dirty. Should this really be done..?
if (!that._events['command:' + events_data.command]) {
that.trigger('unknown_command', {command: events_data.command, params: events_data.params});
showAutocomplete: function(list, type, filter_list) {
var $inp = this.$('.inp'),
tokens = $inp.val().trim().substring(0, $inp[0].selectionStart).split(' ');
this.autocomplete_token_idx = tokens.length - 1;
this.autocomplete_before = {
value: $inp.val(),
caret_pos: $inp[0].selectionStart
this.autocomplete.setWords(list, filter_list);
this.autocomplete.update(tokens[tokens.length - 1]);;
addPluginIcon: function ($icon) {
var $tool = $('<div class="tool"></div>').append($icon);