Place to store the code and config used for the next-Iterations live event.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

611 lines
18 KiB

/*jslint devel: true, browser: true, continue: true, sloppy: true, forin: true, plusplus: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4, nomen: true, regexp: true*/
/*globals $, front, gateway, Utilityview */
* Generate a random string of given length
* @param {Number} string_length The length of the random string
* @returns {String} The random string
function randomString(string_length) {
var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
randomstring = '',
for (i = 0; i < string_length; i++) {
rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
randomstring += chars.substring(rnum, rnum + 1);
return randomstring;
* String.trim shim
if (typeof String.prototype.trim === 'undefined') {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
* String.lpad shim
* @param {Number} length The length of padding
* @param {String} characher The character to pad with
* @returns {String} The padded string
if (typeof String.prototype.lpad === 'undefined') {
String.prototype.lpad = function (length, character) {
var padding = "",
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
padding += character;
return (padding + this).slice(-length);
* Convert seconds into hours:minutes:seconds
* @param {Number} secs The number of seconds to converts
* @returns {Object} An object representing the hours/minutes/second conversion of secs
function secondsToTime(secs) {
var hours, minutes, seconds, divisor_for_minutes, divisor_for_seconds, obj;
hours = Math.floor(secs / (60 * 60));
divisor_for_minutes = secs % (60 * 60);
minutes = Math.floor(divisor_for_minutes / 60);
divisor_for_seconds = divisor_for_minutes % 60;
seconds = Math.ceil(divisor_for_seconds);
obj = {
"h": hours,
"m": minutes,
"s": seconds
return obj;
/* Set or get the caret position or selection range of inputs and textareas */
$.fn.selectRange = function(start, end) {
var e = $(this)[0];
if (!e) return;
if (typeof start === 'undefined') {
var caret_pos = 0;
if (document.selection) {
var sel = document.selection.createRange ();
sel.moveStart ('character', -e.value.length);
caret_pos = sel.text.length;
} else if (e.selectionStart || e.selectionStart == '0') {
caret_pos = e.selectionStart;
return caret_pos;
} else {
if (typeof end === 'undefined') {
end = start;
// WebKit
if (e.setSelectionRange) {
e.setSelectionRange(start, end);
// IE
else if (e.createTextRange) {
var range = e.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd('character', end);
range.moveStart('character', start);;
else if (e.selectionStart) {
e.selectionStart = start;
e.selectionEnd = end;
/* Command input Alias + re-writing */
function InputPreProcessor () {
this.recursive_depth = 3;
this.aliases = {};
this.vars = {version: 1};
// Current recursive depth
var depth = 0;
// Takes an array of words to process!
this.processInput = function (input) {
var words = input || [],
alias = this.aliases[words[0].toLowerCase()],
current_alias_word = '',
compiled = [];
// If an alias wasn't found, return the original input
if (!alias) return input;
// Split the alias up into useable words
alias = alias.split(' ');
alias_len = alias.length;
// Iterate over each word and pop them into the final compiled array.
// Any $ words are processed with the result ending into the compiled array.
for (var i=0; i<alias_len; i++) {
current_alias_word = alias[i];
// Non $ word
if (current_alias_word[0] !== '$') {
// Refering to an input word ($N)
if (!isNaN(current_alias_word[1])) {
var num = current_alias_word.match(/\$(\d+)(\+)?(\d+)?/);
// Did we find anything or does the word it refers to non-existant?
if (!num || !words[num[1]]) continue;
if (num[2] === '+' && num[3]) {
// Add X number of words
compiled = compiled.concat(words.slice(parseInt(num[1], 10), parseInt(num[1], 10) + parseInt(num[3], 10)));
} else if (num[2] === '+') {
// Add the remaining of the words
compiled = compiled.concat(words.slice(parseInt(num[1], 10)));
} else {
// Add a single word
compiled.push(words[parseInt(num[1], 10)]);
// Refering to a variable
if (typeof this.vars[current_alias_word.substr(1)] !== 'undefined') {
// Get the variable
return compiled;
this.process = function (input) {
input = input || '';
var words = input.split(' ');
var first_word = (words[0] || '').toLowerCase();
if (depth >= this.recursive_depth) {
return input;
if (this.aliases[first_word]) {
words = this.processInput(words);
first_word = (words[0] || '').toLowerCase();
if (this.aliases[first_word]) {
words = this.process(words.join(' ')).split(' ');
return words.join(' ');
* Convert HSL to RGB formatted colour
function hsl2rgb(h, s, l) {
var m1, m2, hue;
var r, g, b
s /=100;
l /= 100;
if (s == 0)
r = g = b = (l * 255);
else {
function HueToRgb(m1, m2, hue) {
var v;
if (hue < 0)
hue += 1;
else if (hue > 1)
hue -= 1;
if (6 * hue < 1)
v = m1 + (m2 - m1) * hue * 6;
else if (2 * hue < 1)
v = m2;
else if (3 * hue < 2)
v = m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - hue) * 6;
v = m1;
return 255 * v;
if (l <= 0.5)
m2 = l * (s + 1);
m2 = l + s - l * s;
m1 = l * 2 - m2;
hue = h / 360;
r = HueToRgb(m1, m2, hue + 1/3);
g = HueToRgb(m1, m2, hue);
b = HueToRgb(m1, m2, hue - 1/3);
return [r,g,b];
* Formats a kiwi message to IRC format
function formatToIrcMsg(message) {
// Format any colour codes (eg. $c4)
message = message.replace(/%C(\d)/g, function(match, colour_number) {
return String.fromCharCode(3) + colour_number.toString();
var formatters = {
B: '\x02', // Bold
I: '\x1D', // Italics
U: '\x1F', // Underline
O: '\x0F' // Out / Clear formatting
message = message.replace(/%([BIUO])/g, function(match, format_code) {
if (typeof formatters[format_code.toUpperCase()] !== 'undefined')
return formatters[format_code.toUpperCase()];
return message;
* Formats a message. Adds bold, underline and colouring
* @param {String} msg The message to format
* @returns {String} The HTML formatted message
function formatIRCMsg (msg) {
"use strict";
var out = '',
currentTag = '',
openTags = {
bold: false,
italic: false,
underline: false,
colour: false
spanFromOpen = function () {
var style = '',
if (!(openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
return '';
} else {
style += (openTags.bold) ? 'font-weight: bold; ' : '';
style += (openTags.italic) ? 'font-style: italic; ' : '';
style += (openTags.underline) ? 'text-decoration: underline; ' : '';
if (openTags.colour) {
colours = openTags.colour.split(',');
style += 'color: ' + colours[0] + ((colours[1]) ? '; background-color: ' + colours[1] + ';' : '');
return '<span class="format_span" style="' + style + '">';
colourMatch = function (str) {
var re = /^\x03(([0-9][0-9]?)(,([0-9][0-9]?))?)/;
return re.exec(str);
hexFromNum = function (num) {
switch (parseInt(num, 10)) {
case 0:
return '#FFFFFF';
case 1:
return '#000000';
case 2:
return '#000080';
case 3:
return '#008000';
case 4:
return '#FF0000';
case 5:
return '#800040';
case 6:
return '#800080';
case 7:
return '#FF8040';
case 8:
return '#FFFF00';
case 9:
return '#80FF00';
case 10:
return '#008080';
case 11:
return '#00FFFF';
case 12:
return '#0000FF';
case 13:
return '#FF55FF';
case 14:
return '#808080';
case 15:
return '#C0C0C0';
return null;
i = 0,
colours = [],
for (i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) {
switch (msg[i]) {
case '\x02':
if ((openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
out += currentTag + '</span>';
openTags.bold = !openTags.bold;
currentTag = spanFromOpen();
case '\x1D':
if ((openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
out += currentTag + '</span>';
openTags.italic = !openTags.italic;
currentTag = spanFromOpen();
case '\x1F':
if ((openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
out += currentTag + '</span>';
openTags.underline = !openTags.underline;
currentTag = spanFromOpen();
case '\x03':
if ((openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
out += currentTag + '</span>';
match = colourMatch(msg.substr(i, 6));
if (match) {
i += match[1].length;
// 2 & 4
colours[0] = hexFromNum(match[2]);
if (match[4]) {
colours[1] = hexFromNum(match[4]);
openTags.colour = colours.join(',');
} else {
openTags.colour = false;
currentTag = spanFromOpen();
case '\x0F':
if ((openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
out += currentTag + '</span>';
openTags.bold = openTags.italic = openTags.underline = openTags.colour = false;
if ((openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
currentTag += msg[i];
} else {
out += msg[i];
if ((openTags.bold || openTags.italic || openTags.underline || openTags.colour)) {
out += currentTag + '</span>';
return out;
function escapeRegex (str) {
return str.replace(/[\[\]\\\^\$\.\|\?\*\+\-\(\)]/g, '\\$&');
function emoticonFromText(str) {
var words_in = str.split(' '),
words_out = [],
pushEmoticon = function (alt, emote_name) {
words_out.push('<i class="emoticon ' + emote_name + '">' + alt + '</i>');
for (i = 0; i < words_in.length; i++) {
switch(words_in[i]) {
case ':)':
pushEmoticon(':)', 'smile');
case ':(':
pushEmoticon(':(', 'sad');
case ':3':
pushEmoticon(':3', 'lion');
case ';3':
pushEmoticon(';3', 'winky_lion');
case ':s':
case ':S':
pushEmoticon(':s', 'confused');
case ';(':
case ';_;':
pushEmoticon(';(', 'cry');
case ';)':
pushEmoticon(';)', 'wink');
case ';D':
pushEmoticon(';D', 'wink_happy');
case ':P':
case ':p':
pushEmoticon(':P', 'tongue');
case 'xP':
pushEmoticon('xP', 'cringe_tongue');
case ':o':
case ':O':
case ':0':
pushEmoticon(':o', 'shocked');
case ':D':
pushEmoticon(':D', 'happy');
case '^^':
case '^.^':
pushEmoticon('^^,', 'eyebrows');
case '&lt;3':
pushEmoticon('<3', 'heart');
case '&gt;_&lt;':
case '&gt;.&lt;':
pushEmoticon('>_<', 'doh');
case 'XD':
case 'xD':
pushEmoticon('xD', 'big_grin');
case 'o.0':
case 'o.O':
pushEmoticon('o.0', 'wide_eye_right');
case '0.o':
case 'O.o':
pushEmoticon('0.o', 'wide_eye_left');
case ':\\':
case '=\\':
case ':/':
case '=/':
pushEmoticon(':\\', 'unsure');
return words_out.join(' ');
// Code based on
function parseISO8601(str) {
if (Date.prototype.toISOString) {
return new Date(str);
} else {
var parts = str.split('T'),
dateParts = parts[0].split('-'),
timeParts = parts[1].split('Z'),
timeSubParts = timeParts[0].split(':'),
timeSecParts = timeSubParts[2].split('.'),
timeHours = Number(timeSubParts[0]),
_date = new Date();
if (timeSecParts[1]) {
return _date;
// Simplyfy the translation syntax
function translateText(string_id, params) {
params = params || '';
* Simplyfy the text styling syntax
* Syntax:
* %nick: nickname
* %channel: channel
* %ident: ident
* %host: host
* %realname: realname
* %text: translated text
* %C[digit]: color
* %B: bold
* %I: italic
* %U: underline
* %O: cancel styles
function styleText(string_id, params) {
var style, text;
//style = formatToIrcMsg([string_id]);
style =[string_id];
style = formatToIrcMsg(style);
// Expand a member mask into its individual parts (nick, ident, hostname)
if (params.member) {
params.nick = params.member.nick || '';
params.ident = params.member.ident || ''; = params.member.hostname || '';
params.prefix = params.member.prefix || '';
// Do the magic. Use the %shorthand syntax to produce output.
text = style.replace(/%([A-Z]{2,})/ig, function(match, key) {
if (typeof params[key] !== 'undefined')
return params[key];
return text;
* Convert input to valid ignore regex.
* @param {String} host The user mask to format.
* @returns {Array} An array with the full user mask and regex.
function toUserMask(inp, return_regex) {
// Convert input to full user masks.
var tmp = inp.match(/([^!@]+)!?([^!@]+)?@?(.+)?/),
res = (tmp[1]||'*') + '!' + (tmp[2]||'*') + '@' + (tmp[3]||'*');
// Return the generated user mask only if no_array is true.
if (!return_regex) {
return res;
} else {
// Return an array with the full user mask and RegEx.
return [res, new RegExp('^'+res.toLowerCase().replace(/\./g,'\\.').replace(/\*/g,'(.[^!@]*?)')+'$','i')];