Make use of that physical button on the side of your laptop to run scripts instead of only turning your wifi on/off.
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
then e734789abd added audible 'beep' 4 年前 added audible 'beep' 4 年前


Make use of that physical button on the side of your laptop to run scripts instead of only turning your wifi on/off.


# Simple bash script to run any command using the hardware radio switch on lenovo thinkpad x201 

# The script checks the status of your wifi card's transmit power.

# Important, the script below assumes your wifi is ON when running the script. It checks this every two seconds and when you flip the switch will run a command (echo "Wifi is OFF") and stop the script (break)

while true; do
if iwconfig wlp2s0 | grep 'Tx-Power=off' > /dev/null; then
	echo -e '\a' #beep to indicate interaction
        echo "Wifi is OFF"
	echo "Wifi is ON"
sleep 2