``` ,-. _,---._ __ / \ / ) .-' `./ / \ ( ( ,' `/ /| \ `-" \'\ / | `. , \ \ / | /`. ,'-`----Y | ( ; | ' | ,-. ,-' | / | | ( | hjw | / ) | \ `.___________|/ `--' `--'` ``` copyleft, netchatte is a netcat based terminal chat program, inspired by 'unnamed project' and made during the first tangible clouds worksession 18th → 21st May 2022 in Brussels (https://tangible-cloud.be/) ## Usage chmod all .sh files, be on the same network and run ./netchatte.sh ## Notes Tested on OSX Catalina and ... (both ship with BSD version of Netcat from 2001 and Screen version 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06 )