Repo for non destructive e-scooter intervention materials
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you are hereby invited to the opening of OPENCOIL<br><br>
with most cities pavements flooded by 'dockless sharing vehicles', OPENCOIL presents works by 10 artists specially selected to fill the vacuum between private and public space. this art show is an experimental attempt to physically engage with the rise of 'landfill capitalism' by reclaiming 'micro-mobility' infrastructure. <br><br>decentralised and climate neutral.<br>helmets not included.<br><br>opening:<br>oct 16th, 7pm / zentrum f netzkunst, haus d statistik<br><br>showcase:<br>oct 17th / ko-markt, haus d statistik<br><br>roaming speedshow:<br>oct 26th - nov 1st / berlin<br><br>more soon &nbsp; <span id="link"> ---> <a href=""></a> <--- </span>
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