* otastaImg-close-button - The above, but with 'close' button, just like your Hotel/Train/Airport wifi ;) (iOS only atm)
* paracity_gallery_v041 - Offline ESP8266 webserver + captive portal + filesystem hosting relevant files to reproduce all of this hardware and software (BROKEN)
* Micro USB cable WITH DATA LINES (not only power/charging)
* The ESP12F we are using dont have a USB interface so we flash them using a programming jig or 'ESP8266 Programmer Socket Adapter'. These use CP210x drivers. Depending on your operating system you might need to install them. On linux these are already present.
* Board Manager: You will need to add the support for this board to your IDE (Arduino in this case), see: https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino
* SPIFFS: You will need to add SPIFFS file upload support to Arduino if you want to upload files to the ESP12F, see: https://github.com/esp8266/arduino-esp8266fs-plugin
The website served on the ESP8266 lives in the 'data' folder inside the sketchyour sketch. To upload this data you need the 'Arduino ESP8266 filesystem uploader' plugin. Find it [here](https://github.com/esp8266/arduino-esp8266fs-plugin).
You will find the tool/function in Arduino > Tools > ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload (make sure the directory path is correct). Close the Serial Monitor prior to uploading data.
* If you don't see the port listed in Arduino (Tools > Port), restart Arduino IDE.
You can upload your sketch and files wirelessly, there is one caveat: SPIFFS file uploads don't work with password protected uploads (line 42). Workaround: flash your sketch with line 42 commented out. Upload your files to SPIFFS, then uncomment the line and Upload the code.