
161 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2021-02-04 19:25:42 +01:00
function makeMarker($id){ // generate appropriate markers based on latest JSON
$readJSON = file_get_contents('./nonactiveScooters.json'); //read latest data
$latestData = json_decode($readJSON, true);
$scooter = $latestData[$id]["data"];
$lat = $scooter["attributes"]["lat"]; // get lattitude
$lng = $scooter["attributes"]["lng"]; // get longitude
$pos = $lat.', '.$lng; // construct lat/lon for use in leafet
$lst = $scooter["attributes"]["lastLocationUpdate"]; // get time of last position
$rnt = $scooter["attributes"]["isRentable"]; // check if scooter is rentable,
$act = $scooter["attributes"]["state"]; // check if scooter is: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, MAINTAINANCE, DAMAGED
$bat = $scooter["attributes"]["batteryLevel"]; // battery level 0-100
$nam = $scooter["attributes"]["code"]; // get the artist name
//check scooter status and construct marker with corresponding icon
//check if scooter is rentable
if($rnt == true && $act === 'ACTIVE'){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$nam.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$nam.'</b><br><b>batteryLevel: </b>'.$bat.'<br><b>Status: </b>'.$act.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'")
//check if scooter is rented out
if ($rnt == false && $act === 'ACTIVE') {
$marker = 'var scooter'.$nam.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$nam.'</b><br><b>batteryLevel:</b>'.$bat.'<br><b>Status: </b>'.$act.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'")
//check if scooter battery is low
if($act === "INACTIVE" && $bat > 0){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$nam.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$nam.'</b><br><b>batteryLevel:</b>'.$bat.'<br><b>Status: </b>'.$act.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'")
//check if scooters battery is dead
if($act === "INACTIVE" && $bat == 0){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$nam.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$nam.'</b><br><b>batteryLevel:</b>'.$bat.'<br><b>Status: </b>'.$act.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'")
//check if scooters is dead
2021-02-05 11:18:58 +01:00
if($act === "DAMAGED" || $act === "MAINTENANCE" || $act === "OUT_OF_ORDER" || $act === "GPS_ISSUE"){
2021-02-04 19:25:42 +01:00
$marker = 'var scooter'.$nam.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$nam.'</b><br><b>batteryLevel:</b>'.$bat.'<br><b>Status: </b>'.$act.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'")
2021-02-05 11:39:54 +01:00
//check if scooters is lost
if($act === "LOST"){
$marker = 'var scooter'.$nam.' = L.marker(['.$pos.'], {time: "'.$lst.'"}).addTo(map)
.bindPopup("<b>'.$nam.'</b><br><b>batteryLevel:</b>'.$bat.'<br><b>Status: </b>'.$act.'<br>Last updated: '.$lst=str_replace(array('T', 'Z'), ' ', $lst).'")
2021-02-04 19:25:42 +01:00
return $marker;
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<title>TIER Hamburg</title>
<script src=""></script>
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<script src=''></script>
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<script src=""></script>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
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L_NO_TOUCH = false;
L_DISABLE_3D = false;
<div id="map"></div>
// define icons
// prefix: glyphicon = bootstrap, list can be found here:
// prefix: fa = fontawesome, list is here:
var availableIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "wifi", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "purple", "prefix": "fa"}
var isRentedIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "hourglass-half", "iconColor": "white", "spin": "true", "markerColor": "pink", "prefix": "fa"}
var lowBatIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "battery-1", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "pink", "prefix": "fa"}
var noBatIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "battery-empty", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "black", "prefix": "fa"}
var isMaintenanceIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "wrench", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "black", "prefix": "fa"}
2021-02-05 11:39:54 +01:00
var isLostIcon = L.AwesomeMarkers.icon(
{"icon": "question", "iconColor": "white", "markerColor": "black", "prefix": "fa"}
2021-02-04 19:25:42 +01:00
var map ='map', { zoomControl: false, attributionControl: false }).setView([52.516190, 13.377693], 11.5);
var Stamen_Toner = L.tileLayer('https://stamen-tiles-{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}', {
attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="">Stamen Design</a>, <a href="">CC BY 3.0</a> &mdash; Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>',
subdomains: 'abcd',
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 20,
ext: 'png'
//the magic: for each scooter in $scooters array, request status and construct marker
$readJSON = file_get_contents('./nonactiveScooters.json'); //read latest data
$latestData = json_decode($readJSON, true);
$id = 0; //start id
foreach ($latestData as $item) {
$scooter = $item['data'];
echo makeMarker($id);
{ "keepCurrentZoomLevel": "true",
icon: 'fa fa-crosshairs',
follow: true,
circleStyle: {}, // change the style of the circle around the user's location
markerStyle: {},
locateOptions: {
enableHighAccuracy: true