array('', 'Martin Howse', 'wok_the_cables', 'Adventure game for psychogeophysical divination of portals, realtime instructions to follow #wokthecables'),
array('', 'Sofya Aleynikova', 'followers', 'Eine weibliche Protagonistin manifestiert sich als Meme im Web und stellt die richtigen Fragen.'),
array('', 'Rosa Menkman', 'Ariane', 'Ariane is a famous Shutterstock model. She also worries about getting older.'),
array('', 'Rosa Menkmann', 'Ariane', 'Ariane is a famous Shutterstock model. She also worries about getting older.'),
array('', 'Sarah Grant', 'Plague Rave 2020', 'Take a katamari style tour with corona through the vibrant Berlin club scene. Download a souvenir photo at the end of the trip!'),
array('', 'Danja Vasiliev', 'need4speed', 'A situationist game in public space adapted for the micro-mobility sector. Rent a scooter, ride while making continuous and sharp turns and find l00t!'),
array('', 'Constant Dullaart', 'constant time', 'Your network, your home, as temporary as seconds on the clock. Reconnect.'),
@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ global $scooters; //"import" the global variable into the function's scope
$pos = $lat.', '.$lng; // construct lat/lon for use in leafet
$lst = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["lastLocationUpdate"]; // get time of last position
$rnt = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["isRentable"]; // check if scooter is rentable,
$act = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["state"]; // check if scooter is ACTIVE or MAINTAINANCE
$act = $arr["data"]["attributes"]["state"]; // check if scooter is: ACTIVE, INACTIVE, MAINTAINANCE, DAMAGED