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Dear Participants,

we hereby send you an update on the OPENCOIL roaming (low-)speedshow. We have exciting news and a couple of questions:
First of all, a big thanks to everyone for participating and sending in works!
The hardware is in, the molds are molded and the last hand is being laid on the website that will display the position of your works on a map (in realtime(TM)) --> see mockup https://opencoil.show/map.html
Some relevant data:

- Deadline submitting works: 14th October 2020
- Soft-Opening: October 16th @ Berlin Zentrum der Netz Kunst, 7pm
- Showcase: October 17th @ KO Markt, Haus der Statistik, 2pm-8pm
- Puplic roaming Speedshow in the wild: October 26th - 1st November

We have been hard at work to apply for some funding, this means there will be a small compensation for you when we get it!

Questions to you:
- What is the title of your work? This will be the SSIDs being broadcasted by the scooter
- We would like to have a one line description of your work for the map marker (opencoil.show/map.html)


We have made a html invitation to send to your friends ---> https://opencoil.show/invite
Feel free to invite whom ever you like.

See you soon!

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