  • Inscreveu-se em Mar 23, 2018
JavaScript 0 0

Repo for non destructive e-scooter intervention materials

Atualizado 2 anos atrás

Shell 0 0

netchatte is a netcat based terminal chat program, inspired by 'unnamed project' and made during the first tangible clouds worksession 18th → 21st May 2022 in Brussels (

Atualizado 2 anos atrás

Python 0 0

Makes your laptop hinge squeek!

Atualizado 3 anos atrás

Experiments in audio-visual transmissions (tags: radio, PAL, sstv)

Atualizado 3 anos atrás

How to fool your GPS enabled devices using Software Defined Radio, in this case using the HackRF One.

Atualizado 3 anos atrás

Using Arduino Pro Micro to send keystrokes to iOS devices using Apple's OTG-USB cable and Arduino. Useful for scripting sequences, auto-liking, what-not etc.

Atualizado 3 anos atrás

Captive portal serving files from SPIFFS, updatable Over-The-Air.

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

Place to store the code and config used for the next-Iterations live event.

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

Make use of that physical button on the side of your laptop to run scripts instead of only turning your wifi on/off.

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

Repo for Arduino + NRF24L based walkie talkie.

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

Capturing TCP/IP packets from iOS devices

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

SVG 0 0

Atualizado 4 anos atrás

A complete Eurorack-compatible synth (case, psu, modules) for 100 euro in materials.

Atualizado 5 anos atrás

Text 0 0

LimeSDRMini experiments, examples and diy documentation.

Atualizado 6 anos atrás

repo for instructions and code to produce a audio (wav) player from a simple sd card and an attiny(85) avr chip

Atualizado 6 anos atrás