# LogBot LogBot is a bot for asynchronous collective logging and log writing over longer periods of time. The bot operates in a chat environment, from where it saves images, messages and other media files into a webpage. The bot is made by members of Varia and is used hand in hand with event preparations[^xy], collective research[^autonomy][^pubclub] or as a tool for publishing materials on the go[^backlog]. The bot runs on a self-hosted XMPP chat infrastructure, hosted and maintained by members of Varia. [^xy]: https://vvvvvvaria.org/logs/x-y/ X-Y log, in preparation of Plaintext Partyline [^autonomy]: https://vvvvvvaria.org/logs/digital-autonomy/log.html Collective research log, around the term "digital autonomy" [^pubclub]: https://vvvvvvaria.org/logs/afijeno/ Pub.club research log, around community publishing initiatives [^backlog]: https://vvvvvvaria.org/logs/zamopuzo/ Backlog, the making of the streaming infrastructure of Varia ----------------- LogBot is small XMPP bot written in Python that is used in group chats. It uses the [xbotlib library](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/xbotlib) written by [decentral1se](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se). _work-in-progress_ ## How to use LogBot? ``` *Oh dear, logbot is here!* (You can speak to the bot using @logbot or logbot:) : Your image is added to the log. logbot @help: Print this message logbot @add : Add a message to the log. logbot @delete : Delete posts from the log. For example: @logbot @delete 5 logbot @title : Set the title of your log. logbot @style : Switch to another stylesheet. For example: logbot @style log. Available stylesheets include: timeline, float, opentab. logbot @font : Switch to another font. For example: logbot @font font. Available fonts include: polsku, notcouriersans; or select None to switch back to default serif. logbot @uptime: To check how long @logbot has been around @bots: To see who is around :) ``` ## Stylesheets * timeline * float * opentab These can be found in the folder `stylesheets/`. ## Fonts * polsku * notcouriersans * None ## Situated tails - Archive bot, Relearn 2017, - Streambot, Varia website extension 2017-2018, - Logbot v1, Varia XMPP extension 2017-2020, - Bots as Infrapunctures @ Obfuscation Workshop, May 2021, Cristina Cochior & Manetta Berends, & ## Requirements - [xbotlib](https://git.vvvvvvaria.org/decentral1se/xbotlib)