diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index dcb7316..119847f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ Please see the following links for further reading: ``` $ sudo -su systers $ cd /var/www/etherpump -$ poetry run sh cron.sh +$ sh cron.sh ``` Served from `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/etherpump.vvvvvvaria.conf`. diff --git a/cron.sh b/cron.sh index 8867f83..61744fb 100755 --- a/cron.sh +++ b/cron.sh @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ echo "Pulling pads..." -etherpump pull \ +poetry run etherpump pull \ --meta \ --html \ --text \ @@ -11,19 +11,14 @@ etherpump pull \ --fix-names \ --connection 5 \ --force \ - # rr-minimal-viable-learning # Note(decentral1se): uncomment for single pad pull echo "Building the etherpump index..." -# Note(decentral1se): replace "p/*.meta.json" with "rr-minimal-viable-learning.meta.json" for single pad index -etherpump index \ +poetry run etherpump index \ input \ p/*.meta.json \ --templatepath templates \ --title "Notes, __MAGICWORDS__, readers & more ..." \ --output index.html -# This will save a pad.css file every hour from the pad https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/pad.css -# cp publish/pad.css /srv/etherpad-lite/src/altetherpad/src/static/skins/no-skin/pad.css - echo "Done!"