Digital Solidarity Networks in times of the pandemic
a shared listing of tools, practices and readings for digital solidarity and conviviality
> Let's chat further on IRC, in the #digital-solidarity-networks channel on Freenode
> For access from the web browser, you can use to join the channel (no password needed)
To whoever encounters this pad: this is work-in-progress, please join!
This is the start of a listing of some resources regarding mutual aid strategies and social closeness through alternative digital infrastructures in times of physical distancing, remote working or care giving, etc. This pad contains examples of collective digital alternative practices, in a time where everything points to the further consolidation and accelerated normalization of the Big Tech industry (Zoom, Facebook groups, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc.). Other attitudes are possible!
In such a context, we feel the response-ability to suggest a different approach to technology. One that promotes collective networks of solidarity that don't rely on data extractivist models, reconsider the figure of the user, and can be adapted to the specificities of each situation. Luckily, there are already plenty of kickass, inspiring initiatives doing great work in this arena. With this pamphlet, we hope to share some of them.
At the same time, we cannot ignore that it takes effort, and a great amount of privilege, to abandon these corporate tech solutions once and for all. Ease-of-use in times of urgency, network effects, family members whose contact is dependent on the usage of mainstream social networking platforms, complicated political situations where these are sadly the most convenient choice, the need for an online presence in times of structural precarity, etc, are all considerations that should not be discarded and are the reality for most of us. In fact, and precisely because of such considerations, we are not advocating a purist approach. We are all entangled with Big Tech, but we would prefer to critique, limit and eventually abandon our dependencies. However, with this pamphlet we hope to provide a counterpoint to approaches such as, which promote technologies that reinforce capitalist ideals of productivity in situations of crisis (i.e.: "business as usual").
So if you are interested in experimenting with other digital infrastructures, we invite organisations, collectives and individuals to look closer into these alternatives and support them to the best of their abilities, by either hosting their own versions of the software, therefore diminishing the visitor load, or providing financial compensation for their services.
Meanwhile, smaller groups do not have to wait for these organisations to finally put their tech-hearts in the right place .... There are many tools and hosting initiatives to start exploring and engaging.
We have curated this list from a similar perspective to those articulated by the tennets of the Feminist Server Manifesto ( ), ...
The list will perhaps be slowly updated as new projects and groups are announced depending on our energies, how the virus and our governments respond to each other, ... etc etc, no pressure, no productivity claims. We try to not apologize for not being always available.
Translations of the above text:
- generated French translation
- Portuguese translation
General resources
Connected lists
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Non-extractive* software hosters
- Multi-service
- Lurk (small scale) -
- discussion lists, xmpp chat, microblogging, wiki, mastodon
- Framasoft (medium scale) - - Frama is in overload mode..
- pads, forms, agenda, slides, chat, video-calling, maps, microblogging, notes, mindmaps, calculators, etc.
- Chatons - distributed load of Framasoft - As Framasoft is overloaded, the Chatons network decided to make a page offering the same services as Framasoft, one of their members, but distributed over the different Chatons servers (have a look - auto-explanatory) Every time you load this page, other servers are proposed.
- Riseup -
- email, chat, VPN, mailing lists, etherpads
- Autistici/Inventati -
- Systemli
- xmpp chat, email, etherpad, web hosting, ticker
- disroot ( ) xmpp, jitsi, etherpad, taiga, email, diaspora, nextcloud
- autonomic coop: - worker coop which provides software hosting
- Video chat
- Audio chat
- Textual chat
- Collaborative writing
- Etherpad, examples of instances:
- CodiMD
- Cryptpad
- Collaborative Drawing
- Streaming
- File sharing
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Non-extractive* software
(would be nice to add personal experiences maybe another chapter?)
- Video chat/voice chat
- Streaming
Self-hosting (with others)
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Alternative social networks
Activist organising
Digital libraries
Non-extractive* software initatives and use examples
- Libre Planet moved their conference fully online -
- running Gstreamer and Icecast
- Love Chaos Quarantine
- Radio On the Radio, online Varia stream (14-03) -
- ∏node propose the ANTIVIRUS program : an open collective anti isolation radio show made from your home. Everyday at 20h (Paris time) -
- Online Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (15-03) -
- Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern: "An exercise that might be of use to others: in Anthro of Networks, we asked students to use a networked-writing platform (Twine, Trello, Miro, Mural, Whimsical) to document 24hrs of their networked activity - a mini-auto-ethnography. Some were revelatory!" -
- using Twine, Trello, Miro, Mural, Whimsical
- Data Vis Book Club happening regularly online -
- Anti-University -
- Streaming video, a link between pandemic and climate crisis
- Read & Repair feat. Digital Solidarity Networks -
3 Adventures in the Ether , a Choose Your Own Adventure game on the windows of Varia -
- Radio/Streaming
- ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
* Extractive software relies on a business model where the user produces economic value for the tech company in exchange for its free (free as in beer, not as in freedom) services (e.g.: Google, Facebook, Amazon, Instagram, et al). However, the exchange rate(?) is often disproportional and can have direct consequences for democracy, society and basic human rights(?), while generating profits in the order of the billions for the company (e.g.: US$40 billion (2017) for Facebook and US$110 billion (2017) for Google.)
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Statements, snippets, sharp quotes, good jokes
Framatalk statement (video chat service hosted by Framasoft) -
16 Mars 2020 : Framatalk est en surcharge d'utilisation
Nous demandons aux personnes relevant de l'éducation nationale (profs, élèves, personnel administratif) de ne pas utiliser nos services durant le confinement et de demander conseil à leurs référent·es.
Nous savons que le ministère de l'éducation nationale a les moyens, les compétences et la visibilité pour créer les services en ligne nécessaires à son bon fonctionnement durant un confinement. Notre association loi 1901 ne peut pas compenser le manque de préparation et de volonté du ministère.
Merci de réserver nos services aux personnes qui n'ont pas les moyens informatiques d'une institution nationale
(individus, associations, petites entreprises et coopératives, collectifs, familles, etc.).
Le formulaire ci-dessous vous permettra de créer un salon chez un hébergeur éthique aléatoire en qui nous avons confiance.
March 16, 2020: Framatalk is in overload of use
We ask the people in charge of national education (teachers, students, administrative staff) not to use our services during containment and to ask their referents for advice.
We are aware that the Ministry of Education has the means, skills and visibility to create the online services necessary for its proper functioning during a containment. Our association law 1901 cannot compensate for the lack of preparation and willingness of the Ministry.
Thank you for reserving our services to people who do not have the IT means of a national institution
(individuals, associations, small businesses and cooperatives, collectives, families, etc.).
The form below will allow you to create a room at a random ethical host we trust.
A trans*feminist infrastructure implies... -
Q's & multiple A's
What to say when somebody wants to use Zoom or Skype or Microsoft Teams for a video call?
What to say when colleagues propose to work with software that is not maintained by the university or school, but is a free service hosted by someone else? How to rely on someone else's infrastructure as an educational institution, without engaging with that infrastructure?
- -- what data is captured?
- -- by whom and for whom is the tool made? with what ideology? (is this important? or is pragmatism more important these days?) (how to still project in the future, while remaining pragmatic?)
- -- how to support upstream?
- For example, from's vision page:
Flexible working allows employees to choose the location they want to work from (and often also what time they work). Whether it’s a home office, a coworking space, library or an airport - each individual knows best what works for them, and how they do their best work.
- <>
- Or the statement Framasoft wrote on the 16th of March 2020, see line 245.
Reading list
- Libro de soberania tecnologica (2018) Volumen 2:
Viewing list
Listening list
Concrete political and institutional responses [welp, not sure yet how to title]
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[do we keep the etherpad intro?] it's so pretty - thanks VvvvvvvVVvvvVvVVvvaria :-D !!!hell yesss <3<3<3<3<3