# Ana & Ricardo - Why terminology matters

* open design

too many meanings


Manufactura uses "free libre and open source software".
Most questionmarks in the description of this talk.

Open Source Design manifesto (on a napkin):
written by open design foundation
started by a designer at Adobe

"free" was problematic, too close to "freedom"
then open source was introduced

too much about not paying for free tools/fonts

most importantly about doing things together
eg.: free to modify a font, adapting it to your own language

* open source design

more closely related to 4 free software freedoms

collaborations between designers & developers
open source design > design for open source

sometimes happening through proprietary tools
Example of Ubuntu (Canonical)'s design department using Mac/Adobe

* tools

Can we use proprietary software and still call it open source design?
support/contribution vs. use

using is the biggest form of contribution

* manufactura

not open design
but not sure how to call it?

Libre Design?
F/LOSS Design?


Andreas (Scribus): not push people to use F/LOSS, but ... 
Ricardo: Releasing end products under open licenses can be oke. But using FLOSS tools will make more of a difference.

Eyol: Are tools not good enough? Or not well known enough? Or is it a question of mindset / bigger questions?
Ana: If you're not changing your tools, you don't see what can be changed? Schools setting/following "industry standards" is not helping.

Q: Many problems between design & FLOSS. Aren't we dealing with bigger questions then tools?
Ricardo: Terminology is a very precise way of approaching these questions, indeed. 

Free software tools ... as in Gimp/Inkscape/etc, but these days, a lot of web open source/free software tools, which rely on web standards, browsers, pdf engines, ...
"Freedom" resonating libertarian thinking, individual practice, design hero culture, ... 

# Pascal Bies - Non-destructive procedural 2D-vector modelling


Doing vector Graphics differently.
In a non-inkscape-way.

duplicating shapes (in inkscape) vs. cloner objects 
tool oriented vs. object oriented

cloner object
mirror object
instance object

following principles: DRY, KISS
trying not to use: spaghetti code, copy/paste

WYSIWYM - what you see is what you mean

Q: Another software: Synfig https://www.synfig.org/

# FLOSS Educators BoF 
>>> https://pad.vvvvvvaria.org/lgm-floss-educator-bof

# A new spline - Ralph Levien

[> Relearn curve tools!]

Spiros demo 


Research on splines, still developed. 
Will be the main technique in Runebender ( https://github.com/linebender/runebender ), the new type editor.

Sponsored by Google, allowed for full time development of this project.

# No design without research – Why and how to incorporate design research practices into our free software projects
Belén Barros Pena

Human computer interaction
Interaction design and social sciences

interaction design, software, how features behave, interfaces (not just the graphical ones)

activity involving user in the design process

Can interaction design exist without research?
Without involving users in the process.

In free software, this type of research is not always seen as necessary.

The naysayers - a classification:

1. itch scratchers

Software only developed for an individual problem.
Your itch is only your itch when you're the only one using the software.

When you release your code, you relase your itch.

2. the scornful

Designers have super power.

3. The dismissive

Design research as in asking people what they think.

But design research is not about asking opinions.
"Great designers are like great novelists: acute observers of human behaviour." - Don Norman, Workarounds
Design research is about uncovering the common patterns.

4. The defeatists

Research takes too much time, too much effort.
And therefore it is not suitable to free software.

Research for software making, involves
- time (6 interviews is enough, 5 interaction sessions of 45min is enough)
- money (travel costs but there is jitsi ....., OBS video recording?, compensation in other forms)
- effort (mainly about making sense of results, affinity diagrams in teams)
- some common sense advice (keep it small, take time, research is an attitude)

# USER PERSPECTIVE in the funding model
Livio Fania

we need to think about financing free software
problem-solution thinking is not enough
free != bad quality (question of advocacy/promotion)
need of diversity, in users and developers

Questionnaire with 5 different FLOSS users/makers, nice

Livio proposes to divide tasks within a FLOSS project:
- developer
- project manager
- community manager
- user

Involved in building an online repository with FLOSS artists/designers

"This form aims to build an online directory to connect artists from the free software community with other fellows and potential clients. One of the goals is also to showcase good quality work, in order to build credibility outside the community. So a selection will be made from a team of professionals of the graphic industry based on quality criteria [???]. The project is still a draft, so feel free to make comments or suggestions at the end of the form."

# Lightning talks


# PrePostPrint

Different way to make graphic design.
research group

Before PrePostPrint > OLA: Outils Libres Alternatifs, series of 2 day sessions around a specific workflow or tool


experimental workflows
alternative/hacked/DIY tools

- Interesting part of experimental publishing workflows, is the changing of collaboration mode (parallel, not first editing then design)
- Not often the case anymore that designers use one set of tools, often a tool is choosen in relation to a specific context or a specific way of collaborating
- Are you involved in css standards? Are you pushing the other way as well? Yes, W3C, 

# Freie Farbe

HLC code >>> spectral data >>> ink formulation (ink supplier mixes the ink, according to the spectral data)

# Paged.js workshop

Pagedjs want to be invisible, the in-between. 
It's mostly based on web standards.

crucial to check if the browser supports @print statements
Firefox does not support it. You can preview in firefox, but not print. Also remember that firefox and chrome interpret lineheight differently.
Chrome does support it.

You can work in the margins with position: absolute;
But it doesn't flow yet, parallel flow is not supported yet.

Sidenote: PoDoFo http://podofo.sourceforge.net/
RGB to CMYK pdf parser
Also replacing specific colors is possible.

Julie: pixel in css is more precise (no difference between screen and print)
W3C guy: they should be both precise
you could see differences between pixels and points, but you shouldn't. 
This means that your screen is not set up correctly.

If you want to change font-size, you need to cmd out the * font-size: 1rem; in global/style.css

To have changing running headers, you can use pagedjs syntax:
By copying:
By moving:

Don't use section/div by default, used a lot!

Use "target-counter" to make 
- TOC page numbers
- refer to other pages, like "see page 6"

A full finished version of this book: https://gitlab.pagedmedia.org/samples/printing-in-relation-to-graphic-art
Another important repo is: https://gitlab.pagedmedia.org/tools/experiments
